Chapter seven: Finally getting to meet

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Sergio sat patiently in his Audi R8 waiting. Waiting, for the perfect opportunity to meet the girl that has been clouding his mind the whole day.

He still couldn't believe how easy it was for Iker to get the girls home address!

Leona. Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl....

Suddenly his perfect opportunity arose, as at the corner of his eye, he saw the bedroom light, closest to his Audi, flicker on. Sergio ducked down as a figure appeared at the window. Sergio watched carefully as he marvelled at the girls beauty, he heart skipped a beat as he soon realised it was the beautiful Leona, looking out of the window.

Meanwhile, inside the house, after a tiring day with her sisters, her cousin, and her best friend, Leona thought it was finally time to go to bed.

After saying 'goodnight' to Honey and Daisy, she went in search of the second oldest Baines sister and Dani.

Leona walked into the kitchen and found Rita sat on one of the table chairs, and Dani sat on the kitchen counter, talking.

Leona thought about how Dani and Rita have been acting strange today, exspecially after the football game at the Bernabèu. What happened after her, Honey and Daisy left those two in the carpark, to find the car?

Ever since the five girls walked through the door, Rita has been staring of into nothing with occasional glances and Dani and Leona. And Dani had been non-stop staring at the door, as if someone would somehow magically walk through the door and whisk her away.

Leona didn't bother saying 'goodnight' to them two, instead she just shook her head and made her way upstairs.

Once reaching her bedroom and turning on the light, she quickly put on her Pj's.

Something made Leona become drawn to the window, she thought she saw a funny light outside the window, but there was nothing there nothing there when she got to the window, she guessed she was just seeing things.

She sat on the corner of the bed brushing her hair, humming to herself, when suddenly she heard a tap on the window, and then another one. She looked at the the window confused, saw nothing and looked at her phone to see if she had received any new messages.... She hadnt....

Then that tapping on the window happened again, groaning she stood frustrated and made her way the window, opened the window and searched the night sky.

Leona had to duck low to avoid getting hit by a stone, flying her way.

She looked down annoyed, and felt air get stuck in her throat.

On the ground, holding a nicely shaped stone, leaning against his car, was the handsome defender, from today's football game, at the Bernabèu.

He had a slight cocky grin on his face, when he realised Leona was looking down at him. And Leona couldn't help but find that adorable and so beautiful!

Next thing anyone who, Leona subcontouisly climbed out of her bedroom window and down the draining pipe.

Sergio felt his heart beat hard agaisnt his chest, as she neared him, he felt as if he had been waiting for this beautiful lady his whole life!

"What are you doing here!?" Leona asked the Sevillian as she was now in front of him.

Sergio felt a blush come to his face. "I had to meet you!"

Leona couldn't keep the grin of her face as Sergio said that. But she also wondered what made Sergio want to come see her!?

"But why?" Leona asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Sergio sighed "Because.... your beautiful and I would like to get to know you better.' He tried to hide the blush that was reappearing.

He held the car door open as he offered Leona a seat in his car.

Leona gladly nodded as she sat down in Sergio Ramos's car; took in her surroundings, while she could carefully about how she was going to brag to the girls about this, exspecially to Dani!

Leona was so deep in her thoughts she didn't relise Sergio had climbed in the over side and was now staring at her!

For the rest of night Leona Sergio talked; talked about their favourite colour, favourite food and drink, clothing brand.

Leona thought about how much fun she was having with the Footballer, not even with Erik did she feel so calm and relaxed.

Leona felt her eyes slowly shutting as she relaxed her head on Sergio's shoulder.

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