chapter Six: Finding out who she is

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"Come on!" Sergio whined at his best friend.

Iker shook his head, staring at the Sevillian, wondering how he could take such a risk for another girl after coming out of a devastating Break up.

"Iker, please for me." Sergio pleaded again.

Iker Sighed.... " Give me one good reason, why I should,!"

Sergio sighed "Because, you know how I felt about Pilar, I thought she the one for me, the love of my life. The one I could trust and depend on, my heart and soul. The Key to my heart."

"Yeah I remember you mentioning how much Pilar meant to you..." Iker nodded, reminiscing.

Sergio smiled at his friend "Well... I've come to realise, that wasn't really how I felt, at all! I mean I was in love with Pilar and she loved me but she wasn't in love with me. She told me herself she was only with me for the money and fame!" Sergio winced at the memory. " But when I saw that girl in the world, it felt like the whole world had completely stopped, I didn't feel this way with Pilar, not even with Lara. When I saw that girl for the first time it... I dunno it just felt like my heart had finally found its owner, I felt attached to her like if she belonged to me, and I belonged to her."

Iker grinned understanding how the young Spaniard felt,

He just hoped his friend knew what he was getting himself into.

"Fine I'll go do this for you. But only this once!" Iker finally decided.

Sergio's face lit up like a Christmas tree, as he felt his heart leap for joy. He was one step closer to finding who the mysterious beauty was.


After getting changed into his casual wear, Iker thought now was the time to find this girl for Sergio, he just hoped she hasn't left the Stadium.

His hopes were not turned to dispair as he spotted her standing across the carpark from him, talking to her friends.

With a smile on his face, Iker strolled across the carpark, but felt his heart sink when the girl and two of her friends walked away.

But he knew he had to find out the girl's name somehow.

For his friend.

For Sergio.

A smile once again appeared on Ikers face as two of the girls friends were walking towards him!

He darted past some people in front of him, earning him some weird looks.

With a massive smile plastered on his face, he stopped right in front of the two girls.

"Hello girls, I'm..."

The taller girl with a SnapBack on grinned and interrupted:"Oh, don't worry we know who you are, Mr Casillas!"She smiled sweetly at him, while rolling her eyes at the smaller girl. Who was going reader the more Iker was stood there.

Iker smirked at the two girls before saying...,"So you two know my name then?" The girls early nodded their heads. "So what are your names?"

The shorter girl giggled agin.

The taller girl rolled her eyes:" I'm Rita and this is my cousin Dani." She said pointing at the short mess next to her.

Iker smirked a little.
"Hey Rita, hey Dani."

"Hey!" they both said in unison.

"Hahaha, so can you two lovely ladies please do something for me?.'

This time Dani was the first to reply.

"Yeah sure anything."

Iker smiled, he hoped she would say that.

"Well my friend, recently went through a pretty bad breakup, his girlfriend cheated on him and turns out she was only with him for the money, and today he saw someone here, and I think it may be love at first sight!"

Rita and Dani smiled in awe, before Dani spoke up...

"So do you want us to do?"

"Well I have a feeling you and Rita may know her, she looks exactly like you Rita, Except she has browny blonde hair and not brown hair."

Rita grinned massively widely! "I know Exactly who your talking about, My youngest sister Leona, I'm sorry about your friend, but he's not the only one who went through a bad breakup, Leona went through a pretty tough one aswell!"

Iker felt his heart ache as he started thinking that this maybe wasn't such a good idea after all.

"So will you two help me?"

They both nodded "Of course we will!" Dani replied.

Rita wrote Leona's home address and telephone number on a piece of scrap paper and handed it to Iker.

Iker hugged each of the girls and kissed them on the cheek before walking away to find his friend.

"And your sure this plan is going to work?" Sergio asked Iker, not utterly convinced.

"Come on Sese don't back away now!
Iker was getting slightly irritated with his friend,

"I know, I know, I'm just worried."

"Se I promise you it's all going to be fine, and if its not, well then you've got me, Cristiano and Fabio to help you out!

Sergio nodded his head. He wouldn't know until he tried. And this girl.... Leona was possibly his last chance of happiness.

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