Chapter four: Madrid game

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Leona sat on the edge of her bed, blankly staring at the white wall in front of her.

Ignoring the whispering from the other side of the door.

Soon enough, Daisy burst into the bedroom, quickly followed by three other girls.

"Oh My God Leona, are you ok!?"

Leona looked up at the speaker, and a small smile twitched at her lips.

She was looking up at her two sisters, Honey and Rita and her cousin Dani. She couldn't believe they had come all the way from Norwich, England to be with her.

Daisy grinned at the renuinon, she knew how much her friend was missing her family, after having moved from Norwich to Madrid 2 years ago.

Leona who now looked a lot happier mouthed a 'thank you' to her amazing friend who grinned and nodded her head in response, as long as Leona was happy, Daisy was happy!

"Oh my poor baby sister, I'm so so sorry, I never liked that Erik! Never did!" Rita cried whilst planting many kisses on Leona's forehead.

"Oh leave her alone Rita! And let me put some attention on our sister, haven't seen in ages!" The oldest sister, Honey mourned, as she wrapped her arms, around the youngest sisters waist.

Dani and Daisy both looked on quite concerned about the 3 siblings display of affection.

"Ok you weirdos, guess  what i got for all 5 of us!" Dani squealed excitedly, holding up 5 Real vs Atletico Madrid tickets for today!

Leona, Daisy, Honey and Rita all groaned. They all knew that Dani wasnt at all interested in football, she only liked the cute, good looking, footballers!

Daisy rolled her eyes, wishing that even though she loved Leona, she did kind of wish her friends family was at least a little bit normal.

The car journey to Santiago Bernabèu was quik, with Dani talking about how many hot guys were going to be at the Bernabèu.

Finally managing to squeeze past all the crowds in the stadium. Leona, Daisy, Dani, Rita and Honey all found their seats.

The Atletico Madrid VS Real Madrid games was just about to start, as players from both teams piled into the pitch.

"Ohhh that man, the one with the number 14. He's a cutie isn't he!" Dani screeched.

Leona stretched her neck above the crowd of screaming Madridistas to try to work out what her cousin was going on about.

And then, she finally got what Dani meant, in the Atletico, Red and White striped jersey, with the number 14 on the back, and the name Gabi above it. She agreed with Dani, he was quite cute but he definitely wasn't her type, and anyway, after what happened with Erik, she couldn't bring herself to date anyone else!

"That is Atleticos Captain, Gabi Ferandez!" Honey said in a-matter-of-fact way.

Leona and Rita turned to the oldest Baines daughter, wondering and not believing how she would know that.

"And how would you know that?" Dani questioned her oldest cousin, raising her right eyebrow slightly.

"Because unlike you, some people actually like the sport for the game. Not just for the good looking footballers!" Honey scoffed.

"Well... he's still cute!" Dani muttered.

Rita rolled her eyes, at her cousin and her sister, everyone knew what Dani was like, so why couldn't Honey just let the girl be.

Soon all the girls turned their attention back to the game, they were 10 minutes in and after another couple of minutes in, a goal was scored for Atletico by Gabi!

Dani jumped up and down screaming Gabi's name. And if by magic the Captain turned around, saw the excited Dani, smiled and waved before continuing with the game.

Leona was so happy that Dani had been seen, by someone she evidently had a crush on, even though this was the first time she had ever seen him.

The game had gone into half-time, and Leona was a little disappointed that Real hadn't scored yet.

Honey had left to get all the girls cups of hot chocolate, since Rita and Daisy were complaining that were cold.

Honey soon came back with the cups of hot chocolate. Which everyone gratefully took and drank.

The second half of the game and no longer had the game started the first goal had been scored for Real Madrid, by no other then The Portagues scoring machine. Cristiano Ronaldo!!

As soon as the ball hit the back of the net, very nearly every single people in the Bernabèu were up on their feet, cheering like mental lunatics!

The game was almost over, and another goal was scored for the Whites, the person that scored the last goal, Leona didn't recognise the player but Honey told her, he was one if the worlds top defenders.

Leona thought he had the most beautiful face, biggest brown eyes, and the cutest mop of hair.

Then he did something, Leona never in a million years expected, during his goal celebration, he lifted both his hands to his face, kissed them both, then lifted and pointed them towards Leona.

Daisy's jaw pretty much hit the ground, as she turned to her friend. She had public display of affection like this from footballers but that was to their wife's or girl friends, not to someone they have never met.

Leona just sat their utterly gob-smacked, blanking out all the looks and sneers she was getting from people around her.

Even though, she had promised herself she'd never date again, there was something about this defender that got Leona curious.

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