Chapter Three

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Me: Hey guys! You have all been dared to try and work on a vehicle in Vixen91's dad's auto shop.

Eric Carr: I used to work with stuff like this before I joined KISS. So, this'll be easy peasy lemon squeezey.

*We all laugh out loud*

*So, the guys went to put on some overalls and I sit down in a chair outside the auto shop to watch them*

Peter: Why are not helping us, Emily?

Me: Because I'm pregnant Peter. With me and Vinnie's first child.

Paul: Yeah, and don't forget, we all need to go shopping for gifts to bring to the baby shower.

Ace: Oh that's right! I already bought something for the baby.

Eric Carr: Really?! *the Fox wags his fluffy tail happily* Tell us what it is Ace!

Gene: He can't tell us what the gift is. It's supposed to be a surprise.

Eric Carr: Aww man. 😕

*Soon, Paul was grunting because he was trying to get something that was stuck underneath the car*

Eric Singer: Wait a minute guys. Did you hear something?

*We all listen closely and then a tiny meow was heard*

Me: Oh my god! It's a kitten!

Peter: We need to rescue the kitten and make sure that it doesn't run away from us.

Vinnie: I'm going to be it's owner.

Me: Good idea Ankh Warrior.

Vinnie: Aww, Thank you, sweetie.

*Peter helps Paul Stanley by crawling underneath the car and then after a while, he is finally able to get his gentle hands on the small kitten*

Tommy: Awww...the poor thing.

*The kitten is solid black and is covered in dust and it shakes it's head and then lets out a tiny sneeze*

Vinnie: I'm taking it to the vet right now.

*The Ankh Warrior carefully hands me the kitten and then he helps me into his car and we drove off to the nearest veterinarian*

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