Chapter Four

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Me: Ohhh Peter! You have a dare!

Peter Nice! So, what's the dare?

Men Well, WolfGirl wanted you take her out on a date.

Peter: Purrrrfect. I'll go and get ready for out date right now.

Ace: Ooh, he's gonna kiss her!

WolfGirl: I-i don't know Ace. We just met not too long ago.

Me: WolfGirl, if you don't have anything to wear, I can let you borrow my black colored formal dress.

WolfGirl: Thank you Emily.

Paul: WolfGirl, may I help you with your makeup?

Vinnie: And can I help you with your hair?

WolfGirl: *blushes* S-Sure. I'll go and get the dress on and where should met you guys to get my hair and makeup done?

Paul: Aww, you can just use the nearest bathroom and we'll wait for you outside the bathroom door.

WolfGirl: *giggles and goes to the nearest bathroom*

Me: And Gene, no birds and the bees with WolfGirl. We don't want her to get nervous around us.

Gene: Oh don't worry honey. Believe me, Shannon has already limited my time with the groupie since we are both married.

Ace: And I actually have a fiancée who is a very pretty woman.

Me: I think I've seen pictures of you and her. She definitely looks beautiful.

Ace: Awww, thank you! 😃

*the host gives Ace a hug*

*And then, Peter Criss come into the spare living room*

Peter: Hey, what was that all about?

Ace: Oh nothing major, buddy.

Me: Yeah, I was just giving SpaceAce a hug after he mentioned about his fiancée. And then I gave him a friendly hug.

Peter: Ohh...I see. *grins mischievously with a wink*

*Me and the guys laugh out loud*

*Meanwhile, with Paul and Vinnie*

Paul: Okay WolfGirl, how would you describe your skin type?

WolfGirl: Um...I'm not really sure.

Paul: Hmmm...*thinks for a moment while looking at WolfGirl's face* I think I now have an idea of what your skin type is.

*The Starchild takes out my makeup bag and then grabs a mascara and green shadow to match Peter's costume*

Vinnie: Oh your hair is so beautiful, sweetie. I'd be happy to make it look fabulously gorgeous for you WolfGirl.

*The Ankh Warrior smiles at WolfGirl and then takes out a flat iron and begins to carefully straighten her hair*

*After a hour, Paul and Vinnie let WolfGirl out of the bathroom*

Paul: *whispers* How about we surprise him, Vinnie?

Vinnie: Wow, that's a great idea Paul.

*When Peter looks up and sees WolfGirl, he cannot lay his eyes off her*

Me: Wow! Look at that!

WolfGirl: So, how do I look Peter?

Peter: By god, you look like a princess.

WolfGirl: *giggles while blushing happily* Awww! Thank you Catman.

*So, Peter and WolfGirl hold hands as they wave at me and the guys, then they both leave the spare building to go on their first date together*

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