Chapter Eighteen

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*The four present-day members of KISS are doing the concert for the Halloween special*

*The rest of the guys are at the spare building, watching the Weather News channel*

Vinnie: *is sitting with the host reading a newspaper while the host is coloring in coloring books*

*A bunch of droplets of water comes down onto the floor*

Me: Ohh my stomach!

Vinnie: It must be all the cinnamon rolls you've been eating.

Me: I don't think so, Vinnie. The baby is coming!

Vinnie: OHH SHIT! We gotta get you to the nearest hospital!

Ace: HOLY FUCK! Everyone, the baby is coming!

Peter: We better get in the limo as fast as possible.

*Everyone runs outside to the KISS limo and Vinnie carefully holds me in his arms as we ride quickly to the hospital*

*At the hospital*

Nurses: Get her to the delivery room! QUICKLY EVERYONE!

*The Ankh Warrior sit me down in a wheelchair and he immediately wheels me into the baby delivery room*

Vinnie: *is trying hard to stay calm while the nurses put me down on my back and then put a big towel*

Me: VINNIE! Ohhh Vinnie!

Vinnie: It's gonna be okay, sweetie! I'm here.

Me: Oh my god, it's already startling to come out!

*The doctors spread my legs apart wide open and I start to sweat and push hard*


*Meanwhile, Tommy, Paul, Gene, and Eric Singer were all rushing into the hospital to see me and Vinnie*

*The nurses lead them and all the KISS guys inside the delivery room*

Me: It's...a girl. *smiles with tears of joy rolling down my eyes and cheeks*

Vinnie: Ohh...she's so beautiful.

Paul: Look everyone, there's our new addition to the KISS family.

Ace: Aww! Can I hold the baby?

Me: *laughs softly as I prepare to breastfeed* Not yet, silly.

Eric Carr: *is also crying tears of joy as he is very happy for me and Vinnie*

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