Chapter Thirteen

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*Bruce and the KISS drummers are all hanging out by the front porch watching the rain pouring down from the gray clouds*

Me: HEY BRUCE! *slowly and carefully tries to stand up on my own, but fails*

Vinnie: Emily please...don't try to put so much pressure on yourself.

*Vinnie carries me bridal style to the front door of the spare building*

Bruce: Oh, hey Vinnie. What's up?

Vinnie: I'm just a little bit worried about Emily. She's still has an unborn developing fetus inside her stomach.

Me: And I'm really nervous and worried about what's gonna happen when the time comes for the baby to be born. What if it comes way too early before the due date?

*The host lays her head down in Vinnie's chest and the ankh warrior smiles and kisses her a few times times on her forehead and cheek*

Eric Carr: Aw, you don't have to worry about it, sweetie. Every first-time mother is different, ya just wont know until the day that it happens.

Me: I...want...I...😶😨

Ace: *comes into the living room while eating a bag of potato chips* Hi curly!

*Ace playfully ruffles my hair*

Peter: *is standing next to Ace* Is Emily doing fine?

Vinnie: *holds me closer to him gently* Sweetie, please....tell me what's bothering you.

Me: *is feeling a little bit more nervous and scared at the same time* I-i...ankh...hello kitty...I want it.

Eric Singer: I think she wants her KISS Hello Kitty Ankh Warrior plush.

*Eric Singer smiles as he walks over to me*

*Then, the rest of the guys come into the living room to watch a movie*

Paul: Good Lord, it's raining cats and dogs out there. Wait a minute...what's wrong with Emily?

Vinnie: She is really nervous and scared about what's going to happen on her due date.

Paul: Oh sweetheart. There's nothing to be worried about.

*The Starchild gently holds my hand as then he kissed it*

Me: I'm not even sure what our baby is gonna look like....and...and...😥

Vinnie: Oh sweetie, please...don't be nervous, my princess.

*Vinnie tucks a few strands of my hair behind my ears*

Tommy: How about we all watch a movie together in the living room? That way, it'll help keep her mind off.

Eric Carr: Aw, What a brilliant idea Tommy.

Tommy: Hehe, thanks. 🙂

Eric Carr: I'll go find Vixen91 and ask to come over so she can help Vinnie and Emily with all the baby stuff.

Me: T-thank you Fox. *reaches my hand out and pets his orange fox fur*

Eric Carr: Aww, your very welcome, sweetie.

*The Fox changes into his animal form and then Bruce Kulick helps him put on a rain coat that is worn by pets*

*Bruce gets out his brown and black KISS umbrella and then, he puts on his rain clothes*

Together, they both leave the spare building to make the short walk to where Vixen91 lived*

Vinnie: Can somebody go and get Emily's KISS Hello Kitty Ankh Warrior plush? I need to stay close to my girl so she stays calm.

Gene: I'll go get it. Can you tell me where in the bedroom is it at?

Me: I-it's sitting on top of my dresser. Near the Ankh Warrior's vanity.

Vinnie: Aww, you used your words again. I'm proud of you, my beautiful girl.

Me: *smiles and then plants a little kiss to Vinnie's cheek*

Paul: Awww...*smiles sweetly*

*About a few seconds later, Gene Simmons had found my KISS Hello Kitty Ankh Warrior plush and he had just now walked back into the living room*

Gene: Here you go. He's been waiting to play with you.

*The Demon smirks at me playfully and it made me laugh a little bit*

Paul: Well, I think that since we're all getting a new addition to the KISS family, I think that Emily should get to pick the movie that we watch.

Emily: I want to watch The Adventures Of Milo and Otis".

Vinnie: Aww, that's a lovely choice, sweetie.

Ace: Hmm...I don't think I've ever seen or heard of that movie before.

Peter: What's it about?

Me: I don't want to spoil it, but can I just say what the main characters are?

Tommy: Sure, that's fine with us. Right guys?

*Everyone else (except Vinnie, who is has to make sure that I stay calm and happy) agrees and says "Of course"!*

*By the way, if you or someone else that you know on Wattpad hasn't heard of the movie "The Adventures Of Milo and Otis" then here's the trailer:*

Truth Or Dare With KISS (18)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora