4 Fighting Solves Nothing.

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The weekend is over sadly it's the second week of school. I don't understand why we can't do it like the old days where they had summer longer and started school after Labor Day. It was like any ordinary day I wake up at 5:30 and get ready.
My hair:

————————————————————————My hair:

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My outfit :

————————————————————————Today was a different morning though after I go ready Sof and Juj face timed me from our group chat until I had to go meet up with Joshua and Matt outside

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Today was a different morning though after I go ready Sof and Juj face timed me from our group chat until I had to go meet up with Joshua and Matt outside. It was better than hearing Juj the talk about how hot Larry is but, at the same time I can tell that Joshua and Matt don't like each other. I go outside and Matt is the first one to greet me this time "hey good morning Y/N." Matt says. "Good morning." I reply. "I want to start with an apology I was thinking last night and could hardly sleep I was jealous of you and Joshua being friends but you guys have history together and knew each other for a long time and I can't be mad about that." He says. "Apology accepted." I say back. He leans in and kisses my cheek. "Hey I gotta go get the others." He says. "Ok see ya soon." I say and sit on Joshua's porch and wait for him. He comes out like two minutes later and I can tell I scared him. "Well hello Y/N." He says. "Hey Joshy so the girls and I have been thinking and I thought I would be the first to tell you or to tell anyone of that matter that we might start a YouTube channel." I say. "Did you tell Matt first." He says. "Nope you the first to know." I say. "Oh ok." He says. Shortly after Matt comes with the gang they are laughing really loud like always. We get to the bus stop and get on the bus I sit next to Matt this time and Joshua sits next to Larry they are whispering something but I don't know what I just thought to mind my own business. We finally get to the school I get off the bus and see a familiar face pop out of a car and another person comes out. It's Ethan Joshua's twin brother and a girl probably his girlfriend or something. He sees me looking and he waves as Matt is holding my hand. "Do you know him." He says. "Yup that's Ethan Joshua's twin brother." I say waving back at Ethan. Joshua goes up to him and do a bro thingy then we finally go to home room where Joshua is now in. "Why are you here." I say to Joshua. "I switched Ethan classes he wanted to be with Amie and I wanted to be in the class with you and you obviously aren't amused to see me." Joshua says. "No I don't mean it like that I'm glad your here I'm just surprised is all." I say and we sit down in our seats.

Time skip to lunch

Sof, Juj, and I all sit at a table together like usual we just are talking about our classes and stuff. "I wish I had chem class with y'all but at the same time not really." Juj says. "why do you say that." I say. "Because I get to be in the same class as Larry literally the best ever and I caught him looking at me a time or two." And says excitingly. "Girl you are too happy." Sofia says. I feel bad for her I know she likes Matt but it's like what am I to do. Matt and the gang come in the lunch room finally Matt sits by me Larry sat next to Julia and I can tell she got way to happy. We all are just talking and eating when Ethan and his girlfriend come in the lunch room. "Holy crap there's two Joshuas." Sofia says. "Yeah that's Joshua's twin Ethan." I say . Ethan and his girlfriend come and sit across from Matt and I. "Hey Ethan are you getting around okay." I say "yeah just fine thank you." He says. "so who's this." Ethan's girlfriend says. "Oh that's Y/N." Ethan says. "Oh so your the girl Joshua's always talking about nice to meet you I'm Amie." She says. I felt my cheeks get red "your the girl Joshua's always talking about" just keeps replaying in my head what does he say about me I wonder I guess I'll never know. I look over at Joshua who is froze and his face red I can tell he's embarrassed so I'm not gonna ask any questions. It was really silent till Matt kissed me on the cheek like he did this morning. "Woah Y/N you have a boyfriend that's crazy." Ethan says. "Why is it so crazy that I have a boyfriend." I say. "it's not I just always thought it would be you and Joshua." He says. I look down at my feet and felt my cheeks warming up I look up at Joshua who is even more red I stand up and dart out the lunch room and go to where my locker is and sit down with my head on my knees. I felt like crying like I made a big mistake and moved on too fast if I would've waited a couple months it could've been Joshua I do like him a lot then I feel a tap on my shoulder I look up and it's Joshua. "That's was very awkward." He says. "Yeah tell me about it that's like the 5th time someone said that we would make a cute couple or something." I say. "Yeah same it's crazy." He says we sit there till I see Matt. "There you are Y/N I was looking for you." He says. "Yeah sorry I needed air." I say standing up. "Yeah with him." He mumbles. "Hey don't put this on him what has gotten into you." I say. "Nothing never mind you two can go live your happy little life together." Matt says. I look down a Joshua who's still on the floor looking at his feet. "Hey listen I'm with you right now why are you so mad your not the one who came running after me to make sure I was ok you never are and don't think I don't see you looking at Sofia all the time but am I going around all angry with it and taking out on other people, no because I have common sense unlike you who thinks I'm cheating because I'm always hanging out with my best friend who happens to be one of the best friends I ever had in my life." I say. "Are you serious right now." He says "yes I'm serious your seriously so jealous for nothing I thought we solved this this morning." I say. "Of course we didn't I can't believe you right now." He says. "Yeah because I'm always the problem you just have your perfect little life and I'm the one who is the bad one." I say then Ethan and Amie come running in "Hey what's going on what's wrong with Joshua." Ethan says. "Well Matt's being a jerk." I say. Matt rolls his eyes. "Come talk to me when you have sense." I say to Matt and he walks off. "Hey Joshy are you ok." I say. "Why did you stick up for me he's your boyfriend." He says. "Well for one your my best friend for two he's being a complete idiot and your so much better than him." I say. "Do you mean that." He says. "Of course I do." I say. "See that's what I'm talking about the best couple." Ethan says. Joshua and I look at each other and bust out laughing for no reason whatsoever.

Time skip to after school

I told Joshua I'm not riding the bus home today because I didn't wanna see Matt at the moment he understood. I'm standing at the main entrance waiting for my mom when Larry approach's me. "Hey Y/N can you sit next to me on the bus." He says. "Sorry Larry my moms picking me up I'm not going on the bus." I say. "Oh it's fine we'll talk soon." He says. Finally my mom shows up and I get in the car. "Hey sweetie what happened." My mom says "nothing just Matt and I got in a fight." I say. "I'm sorry sweetheart I remember my first boyfriend and our first fight it was one of the worst ones." My mom says. I sit there in silence for the rest of the car ride when we get home I run straight to my room I slam the door and lay in my bed thinking once more.

Thank y'all for reading! I decided to add a little tea it's not that lit but oh well. Like I say all the time OLIVIA WILL BE ADDED!!! Do you think You and Matt will break up next time? I have no idea if people actually read these lol. Have a good day or good night or good afternoon it just depends on what time you're reading lol. Chapter 5 will be up soon so stay tuned!

Your friend,

           ~ Sierra Bostedo❤️

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