8 Can We just Talk?

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Y/N's POV:


I hear a knock at the door and I run to the door immediately it was Joshua. "Hey are you ready to go." He says. "Yeah let me grab my phone real quick." I say. I run back upstairs and get my phone. "make sure your home by 10:00 (22:00 Military Time)!" my mom yells as I'm Walking out. "okay mom!" I yell back." We get to the park thanks to Ethan driving us and we start walking. The first 10 minutes were awkward and silent so I tried to break the silence. "It's a beautiful night." I say "yeah it is." He says.

Joshua's POV:


It was such a beautiful night and to be with such a beautiful girl the night was just perfect. It was silent and awkward I look from the corner of my eye and I see Y/N shiver I hand her my Hoodie. "Here have this it'll make you warm." I say. "Are you sure, what about you." she says "I'll be fine your all that matters to me right now." I say. "You're so sweet." she says. That's all I could do is smile. She is such an angle. We see a bench and we sit down. "So homecoming is coming up." I say. "yeah I don't think I'm gonna go." She says. "wait why." I say. "Well Sofia is going with Willson and Julia is going with Larry so I would just be by myself." She says. "Okay same Frankie and Joe are going together I be the third and forth week of Larry and Julia." I say. "So are you going to go?" She asks. "Uh I don't know I think Ethan wants me there but I'd just be the third wheel." I say. "Well we could go together but just as friends." she says. "Yeah okay that sounds good." I say. We talk for another hour until its time for her to go home. I walk her to her house she says thank you and she walks in. I go in my room and look at the wall. "I'm really going to homecoming with the most beautiful girl in the world." I think to myself. I run over to Ethan's room. "Ethan!" I say running into his room. "What man, is everything okay?!" he says looking worried. "Oh yeah uh sorry if I worried you actually its not okay uh I'm going to homecoming with Y/N and I don't know what to do." I say. "Oh my gosh did you ask her." he says. "umm no she asked me but still." I say, "Oh okay wow you were too scared or what?" he says. "Umm well no I mean yeah well kinda I was gonna ask her I mean I did bring it up but she got to me first and asked me but that's not important what am I going to wear." I say. "Bro chill we got two weeks until homecoming you'll be fine." He says. "No, no I wont be I need to know now!" I say. "Okay bro chill listen we will go shopping first thing tomorrow do you guys have a color scheme." he says. "umm no why, why would we have that." I say. "Oh my gosh again we will go after this tomorrow but at the moment you need rest." Ethan says.

Y/N's POV:


I didn't know why but I told him it was just as friends I didn't mean it I want to be with him. The only thing I could think of doing is texting my best friends ever.

Y/N: Yooo girls u up??

Sofia💖: Yeah Its Friday.

Julia💛: Yeah I just got off face time with Larry. What's up?

Y/N: I'm going to homecoming with Joshua I have no idea what to even wear or anything.

Sofia💖: WHATTTT!!!! so exited!😁 We have to go shopping tomorrow!!! Julia can you come?

Julia💛: Yeah Larry says he's busy tomorrow so I'm free.

Sofia💖: Okay yassss okay my mom will come pick us at at around 12 I'm so exited!! gtg Willson is calling.

Julia💛: I gtg too tomorrow is going to be a long day lol.

Y/N: Yeah lol bye.👋🏽

Thanks for reading!!!! There ya have it you and Joshua are going to homecoming together.😌 I am so sorry this chapter took like years to come out lol QOTD: How do you think homecoming is gonna go down?👀 And now like I always say Olivia is coming in soon! Now sooner than ever.👀🤔🥳

Your friend,

         ~ Sierra Bostedo💖

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