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Deku's POV
As I was walking a way from Kacchan, I wondered who were the people on his wrist were. I was probably one one wrist since he always saw me as his enemy but a guy can hope

As I was walking into my dorm I said to myself, "I hope my enemy isn't Kacchan." Even though he's been bullying me for almost my whole life, I never saw him as an enemy. All I ever wanted was for both of us to be friends, but I guess only in my dreams

3rd person POV

Deku walked over to his window and stared at the Moon and sighed. He wondered what life would be like if Kacchan liked him. But thats impossible. He decided to go to sleep since they had me re training the next day, so he shut off the lights, went under his All Might covers, and went to sleep.

Deku's POV
I wake up with a gasp. "Ah!" I don't think I'll go back to sleep anytime soon. I decided to go downstairs into the living area. I go into the kitchen to make myself some hot chocolate.

When I turn around after making it I almost run into someone. I look up and see..... who is that? OH KIRISHIMA! I blush a bright red from embarrassment.

"O-oh hi K-Kirishim-ma" I stutter.

"Hey Midoriya. What's up?" Kirishima ask. I feel a strange pang in my chest.

"I- I'm doing alrighty!" 'Alrighty'? Really?! Why did I just say that! My face flames up.

"Ok?" Kirishima replies curiously. "So what 'cha doing down here?"

"I-I had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to come down here and get something to drink. Annnnnnddddd what are you doing down here Kirishima?" I ask almost accusingly.

"Oh! I heard you yell so I wanted to check if you were okay."

"O-oh. I'm f-fine now."

"Oh, ok"

I could feel the tension and awkwardness in the air as I figited with my finger.

"Well, best be on my way now. Cya Kirishima!"

As I'm walking away I felt a hand grab my wrist. In half a second I was turned around and my lips were smashed to Kirishima's.

"Mmph!" I started struggling out of his grip. When I finally broke out of his grip I ran down the hall with tears streaming down my face and ran into what I thought was a wall. When I looked up I saw spiky ash blond hair. Wait... KACCHAN!?!

He looked at me furiously and yelled, "Watch where you're going you damn nerd!"

"S-sorry, Kacchan." I said between sobs.
"Wait a second nerd. Are you crying?" I felt humiliate.

"Maybe." I tried to calm down but my heart was beating too fast.

"Don't 'maybe' me you crybaby! What are you crying about this time? Did the big bad monster try to attack you?" He mocked sarcastically.

"Leave me alone!" I yell, pushing past Kacchan. He grabs my arm and violently twist me around to face him. He pushes me up against the wall in cages me. I look at the floor.

"Look at me!" He grabs my chin and forces me to look up. "Now," he says in a scary calm voice," Why are you crying."

"I... Um..." I stutter. "Kirishima stole my first kiss." I mumble.

"What was that?" Kacchan asks.

"I said kirishima stole my first kiss." I say louder.

"Now, that wasn't so hard." Kacchan smirks. He lets me go and walks off. As i'm turning around I hear Kacchan scream, "SHITY HAIR! GET OVER HERE!"


Destined for my bully and his best friend (kiribakudeku) {On Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now