Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed, and know that your kind words have inspired me to continue this story. Let me know what you guys think about this one, hopefully it's better than the last! Thanks guys!

! #$%^

As soon as I was out of the building, my eyes widened at the damage done to the city. The battle had started not even twenty minutes ago, and already the city was in ruin. I cursed under my breath, and decided to contact my brother to see what the hell was happening.

"Clint? What's going on up there?" I asked, taking off towards where all the action seemed to be. There was the crackle of the other line picking up, and then Clint spoke.

"Well, it looks like Thor's taking on Loki. Gonna see if we can help him out..." He said. I looked back at the top of Stark Tower to see his jet hovering nearby where I assumed Loki and Thor were fighting, but it was waaay too far up for me to tell. I felt a twinge of fear for Loki, but quickly shook it off. He chose his side, and I chose mine. No going back now.

"Damn it! We're hit!" I heard Clint shout, and immediately back looked up to see the aircraft falling from the sky. I blanched, and used all of my muscle power to sprint to where they landed.

"Clint? Natasha? Steve?" I gasped out as I ran. Come on, come on! Answer God damn it! "Clint! Answer me!" I shouted, still running. There was silence, before the crackle of static came on once again.

"It'll take more than a god to bring me down, Sammie," He responded. I nearly cried out in relief as I took in his voice. I shook my head, and couldn't help but smile at my brother. Clint would always be Clint.

"I'm heading towards you, Clint. Be there in a second," I huffed out.

Thankfully I was in pretty good shape, what with me becoming an Agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. and everything, so I made it to them relatively quick without being too exhausted. I met up with the three of them, and stared up at the portal, where the aliens kept pouring out like an angry hoard of bees. Just then, a giant monstrosity of an alien came out, looking bigger than a skyscraper! How in the hell were we supposed to fight that?

It flew right above us, and we stared in a horrified awe at the sheer size of it. It kept on shooting out aliens onto the buildings, who clung to the walls and let out battle cries.

"Stark, do you see this?" Steve asked, staring at all of the hostiles.

"Seeing, still working on believing," Tony said, his voice showing all types of emotions. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" He asked.

"Bruce?" I asked, the surprise evident in my voice. Bruce was still lost, and I doubt that he would be able to make it in time for this battle.

"Just keep me posted." Tony said, and signed off. We moved behind an abandoned taxi, looking around and trying to figure out our next move.

"I've got civilians trapped right by you," Tony said, and we all peered over the car to see a bunch of civilians running around like startled ants.

"Loki..." Steve said, nearly spitting the name. We watched as Loki sped through on one of the speeders, we watched as he shot down and killed so many people.

"They're fish in a barrel down there," Steve pointed out. I shot out of my hiding spot and sent off three shots at the aliens that were flying around, and was pleasantly surprised when two of them dropped from the sky. Damn it, I was pretty good!

I smiled, and moved next to Clint, who was eyeing a couple of aliens who fell to the ground not too far away from us. Natasha looked over at Steve, who obviously wanted to help the civilians out.

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