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Requested by 2Aesthetic_Hoseok2
Here you go sweetheart 💕

Y/n & Hoseok


*it was now past midnight, February 18 2020 aka my boyfriends birthday, everyone was jumping into the swimming pool as Hoseok blow out his birthday candles, I stood beside him, smiling while holding the cake. I leaned over him and pecked his cheek, he looked at me and smiled. He took the cake from my hands and carried me into the pool with him.

Y/n: Happy Birthday *smiles*

*my two simple words on such a special day were enough to make him smile widely. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him*

Hoseok: happy birthday to who?

*he teased, his warm breath caressing my face, I loved his scent so I smiled while looking into his eyes*

Y/n: to you *hugs him*

*he looked at me as if he was disappointed with my answer as he repeated himself*

Hoseok: can you call me with a nickname tonight? There's nothing special with calling me Hoseok every single day...

Y/n: ok then what nickname do you want

Hoseok: hmmm...what about babe or....Daddy?
*he smirks at me and I chuckle*

Y/n: I'll just go with babe
*i smirk at him and he pouted*

Hoseok: fine...

*i smiled at his cuteness as he leaned in to and pecked my lips*

Hoseok: would you like to go on a relaxing swim with me?
Y/n: it won't be relaxing with all these idiots in the pool

*hoseok looked around and saw his friends running and swimming around, Taehyung and jungkook were balancing plates on their heads, Jin and namjoon were playing volleyball, jimin and the TXT members were swimming and screaming like little kids*

Hoseok:'s a no?
Y/n: ding that is correct I'm going out and eat some cake *i walked to the table where the food was and started eating, Hoseok walked to me and sat on the table while looking at me...he suddenly had an idea and he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it aside, the view that I had was breathtaking...his abs and well toned body always made my heart beat really fast. He looked at me again*

Hoseok: I'll stay here with you, it will be no fun if you're not there with me

*before I even knew it he carried me again, I was being lifted up over his shoulders as he jumped into the pool and since we were outside the water was really cold this time. His hands were wrapped around my waist as he made sure my head was out of the water after a quick dip inside. I smacked him in the arm, splashing some water on his face as he splashed me back, we started shivering because of the waters temperature*

Y/n: it's freezing I'm going inside

*i was going to get out when he gripped my wrist and turned me around, trapping me in the edge of the pool*

Hoseok: you wanna get out?
Y/n: definitely
Hoseok: promise me you'll stay over tonight first

*his voice was deep and his intense stare was driving me crazy, his bare chest was pictured in front of me, the water somehow made him glow*

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