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Louis hummed a quiet tune as he walked down the cracked sidewalk. The day was overcast and it was predicted to rain later that day. But that didn't stop Louis from walking into town.

He walked to the local grocery store and made his way inside. It was filled with different wooden barrels of fruits, vegetables, and even candy. It was like stepping into the past.

Louis made his way to the back to the frozen section. He didn't feel like cooking, so he went to the frozen pizzas. As he reached for the handle on the door in front of the cheese pizzas, his hand brushed someone else's.

He looked up and his breath hitched. The man standing next to him was beautiful. His hazel eyes were bright with excitement and his jet black hair was styled just right. He was...beautiful.

Zayn felt the warmth of another hand brush his and he looked over to the stranger, "Oops, sorry." Zayn removed his hand and just stared at the stranger. He sniffed the air, and he could smell the blood coursing through his veins, it was breathtaking. He broke the stare that he was giving him hoping he wasn’t making him feel uncomfortable.

Louis blushed slightly, pulling his sweater sleeves over his hands. "It's alright. I should've looked before I went to open it."

Zayn smiled, hoping the slight color change of his eyes wasn’t that noticeable, "You’re fine." Zayn opened the door and stepped aside to let him go ahead, "After you."

"Thanks," Louis said, smiling a bit as he grabbed the cheese pizza. He looked up and gasped when the strangers eyes has turned red. "Weren't your eyes just hazel?"

Zayn blinked his eyes, hoping they would change, but they weren’t changing. "Shit," he muttered before he quickly walked away, slipping on his sun glasses and quickly walking out of the store.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows at the strangers weird behaviour. He bought the pizza before quickly heading home before the rain started.

Zayn had hid his body in the alley when he heard light foot steps come around the same corner he’s hiding in. He quickly shuffled his feet and hid in the darkness, watching the same stranger quickly walk by.

It started raining by the time Louis made it a little ways. "Shit," he said, starting to run. He end up tripping and skinning his knee on the sidewalk. He cried out in pain and sat on the sidewalk while he downpoured with a skinned knee.

Zayn had quietly followed the stranger and he heard a cry. His eyes went redder as the smell of blood filled the air, you would think that it was raining that it wouldn’t be as strong, but it was still so very strong. He quickly composed himself before he went to tend to the man. He quickly picked him up, and the groceries before he brought him into his car. He set him in the back of his car before hopping into the drivers seat, "So, this may sound weird, but where do you live?"

Louis rattled off his address before staring at his knee. He skinned it bad and it kept bleeding. "Do you know first aid? I think this might be a little big for just a band-aid."

"Yes, but the question is, do you have gauze and medical tape?"

"I, um. No," Louis replied, pushing hair out of his eyes.

"Do you have an old t-shirt, that you don’t care will get blood on it and is cleaned?"

"Yeah," Louis replied quickly, smiling. "I have that."

"You’re lucky I’m trained." Zayn turned on to the last street and watched the numbers on the houses go up until he reached the one that he told him. He pulled into the driveway and quickly got out. He maneuvered himself to get both Louis and his groceries out and into the house, "You kind of have to unlock the door." Zayn’s eyes widened, how is this going to work out, he can’t go in unless he gets invited in.

"Oh," Louis said and pulled out his keys. He unlocked the door, turning the knob and smiled at Zayn. "I even opened it for ya."

"Now this may sound odd, but I don’t like entering people’s homes unless they invite me in."

Louis quirked an eyebrow. "Didn't I already by letting you carry me?"

Zayn sighed, "Not really."

"Well, you can go into my house," Louis said, laying his head on the guy's shoulder. "And can you hurry? My knee hurts.”

Zayn chuckled and walked right in. He placed Louis on the couch before he turned on the light. "So, where can I find the shirt and the first aid stuff?"

"The shirt is is in my room and in my closet. It's a bright yellow shirt, you can't miss it. And the first aid kit is in the bathroom, under the sink," Louis said.

"Alright, I’ll be right back." Zayn quickly walks into the first bedroom he sees and grabs the shirt. He then walks across the hall and grabs the first aid kit plus a wash cloth. He goes back to Louis and gets on his knees. He places the wash cloth under the knee and looks up, "This is probably going to hurt."

"What do you mean?" Louis asked nervously, watching Zayn with wide eyes.

"How do you think I'm going to clean it? I can't just wrap it, it could get infected." Zayn pulled off his sunglasses, not caring that his eyes are redder and his mouth watering to taste his blood.

Louis stared at Zayn with wide eyes, starting to get scared. "What are you doing?" he squeaked out.

Zayn grabbed the peroxide, "I'm just going to clean it out with this, what did you think I was going to do?"

Louis didn't answer, only hissing when Zayn added the peroxide to the wound. "Well considering your eyes are blood red, you could be mistaken as a vampire. Not that I've read Twilight or anything..."

Zayn looked up at him and he flickered his pupils until he saw Louis's pupils dilate, "You're going to forget what you saw tonight, you’re going to remember that I did help you, but you're going to forget what my eyes looked like, only that they were hazel." Zayn flickered his eyes once more and the Louis' eyes went back to normal.

Louis blinked quickly. "Thanks for helping me, again," he said, watching Zayn work.

"You're welcome," Zayn replied back as he put on some of the bacitracin ointment on his wound and the he got wrapping the wound in the shirt, ripping it so that he could tie it so that it wouldn't fall off.

Louis smiled as Zayn finished. "Can I make you dinner? As a thank you?"

Zayn shook his head, "I'm good, thanks."

"C'mon," Louis insisted, "It's the least I can do."

"It's getting late and I have to be up early for work tomorrow, some other time."

Louis pouted, but nodded. "Let me repay you in some way. I'll feel bad."

"You will don't worry," Zayn said as he flickered his eyes again, he waited until Louis' eyes are dilated, "Louis, you’re going to remember that my name is Zayn and that my number is," Zayn rattled off his number quickly to Louis, "I have to go now, call me tomorrow at three." Zayn flickered his eyes again and he was soon out the door.

Louis's blinked quickly, barely catching Zayn leaving. "Bye," he said, limply waving.

Zayn hopped in his car and placed his head on the steering wheel, he could still smell Louis all over. "I need to burn these clothes and bleach the seats." Zayn started the car and was soon off to his home.

My Little Vampire- Zouis Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now