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Three months later and Louis had a baby bump that Zayn always wanted to touch. They were expecting twins and Louis's stomach was growing and he looked about five months pregnant instead of three because of the vampire quick pregnancy. He gnawed on his lip because he didn't know when the babies were supposed to come.

"Baby, you okay?"

Louis shook his head from where he sat on the couch. "Yeah," he replied, stretching. "M'tired."

"Lets go take a nap on the bed and then I'll make you some food."

"Ok," Louis muttered before standing up slowly. He waddled to the bedroom and laid down on the bed. He closed his eyes and was out like a light quickly.

Zayn turned off the television and joined Louis in the bedroom. He pulled back the covers and slipped in behind Louis. He kiss the back of his neck and laid with him.

When Louis woke up again, his throat felt like sandpaper. "Zayn," he said, shaking the other male. "Zayn, m'thirsty."

Zayn moved off the bed and went into the fridge and grabbed the blood and the seltzer water. He mixed it and then put some ice in it for Louis.

He went back into the room and handed him the drink.

Louis sat up and took the glass from Zayn. "I never thought I'd be drinking blood to help my babies grow during a pregnancy," he said before drinking half the glass.

Zayn chuckled, "I never thought that I'd even be able to have biological children, let alone getting two in one shot."

Louis smiled and rubbed his stomach. "I never thought I'd be this big at three months. I'm a fucking whale."

"You are glowing and beautiful, don't say that."

Louis snorted and finished the drink before handing the glass back to Zayn. "I'm a whale," he repeated before laying back down.

"You are not a whale, stop that."

"I'm a whale!" Louis said, giggling. "I'm a big, fat whale!"

"You're not a whale, Louis."

Louis sighed, laughing and shaking his head. "What do you think Andy's doing right now?"

"I'm not sure, but if he's not bothering us then I don't care."

"Hmm," Louis hummed, "Maybe I should've taken that offer to go with him..."

Zayn glared at him,"You're lying."

Louis shrugged, playing with Zayn in hopes of getting jealous sex. "I don't know...he seemed pretty sincere."

Zayn knew what Louis was trying to do, so he played along. Zayn forced Louis onto his back and straddled his thighs, "You belong to me, and I'm going to show you who you belong to." Zayn growled out as he forced his tongue inside of Louis mouth.

Louis moaned against Zayn's lips, eyes closing. He sucked roughly on Zayn's tongue before tangling his fingers in Zayn's hair.

Zayn broke the kiss, "Fuck, you're so fucking hot pregnant. Filled with my babies, not Andy's."

"Yeah," Louis whimpered, "But I'd look hotter filled with Andy's babies."

Zayn growled and his fangs poked out from the jealousy, "Fuck no." Zayn removed himself and sat at the foot of the bed, "I want you stripped and on your hands and knees in the next minute or I will drop you off at Andy's."

"I can't move that fast," Louis complained as he started stripping. When he was naked, he went onto his hands and knees. "This position isn't gonna last long, is it?"

"No, but your going to beg me to fuck you. Beg me until you can't hold that position."

Louis scoffed, "I will not. I'm pregnant, you asswipe. It's comfortable for me to be fucked on my side."

Zayn started laughing loudly, "Babe, you need to work on making me jealous."

"Andy would fuck me on my side," Louis muttered.

"I was going to fuck you even if you tried to make me jealous." Zayn motioned for him to get on his side as he stripped himself down to nothing.

Louis hummed, "I bet Andy's dick is bigger. He could fuck me better."

"Stop with the Andy talk as I'm trying to insert my dick into you."

"Andy would prep me first," Louis said, quirking an eyebrow. "And he'd do it right because his fingers are longer than yours."

"Fucking hell Louis could you please stop before I leave you to deal with it yourself. Have I ever not opened you up?"

Louis shrugged, smirking a bit. "You're just upset because carrying Andy's babies would make me hotter."

Zayn sighed,"Louis, would you knock it off or I won't have sex with you for a week."

Louis frowned when he wasn't getting the reaction he wanted anymore. "Then forget it," he said, standing and waddling naked into the bathroom.

Zayn followed Louis into the bathroom, "Can we just have normal sex without you bringing up my brother, it's getting annoying. I know you're trying to make me jealous, but it's making me mad and I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm pregnant with your children, Zayn. Every part of you is screaming to protect us, so I doubt you'd hurt us all that much," Louis replied.

"You don't know the extent of my powers, I'm one of the most powerful vampires to ever walk the earth. I have literally so many different powers its unreal, half the time I don't  know the extent of my powers when I'm angry or jealous. We can try the jealousy sex after you have the little ones."

Louis sighed, pouting a bit. He started tearing up, sniffling. "I just wanted jealously sex," he said thickly.

"I know, but making me jealous could hurt the babies." Louis stepped out the bathroom. He glared at Zayn through his tears before walking back to the bed.

"Baby," Zayn grabbed him and turned him around and pulled him to him, "We can still have sex, but save the jealousy sex for a different time." Louis didn't respond, only cuddling back into Zayn's chest.

 Zayn kissed Louis shoulder and then his neck and licked around the scar that was left on his neck from the bite. Louis leaned into Zayn's touch, smiling a bit. "I love you."

 "I love you too, very much."

"Can we still have sex?" Louis asked quietly.

Zayn chuckled, "Of course, anything for my little vampire."

Louis giggled and went to lay on the bed. "I'm ready," he sang.

Zayn shook his head, smiling and joined him on the bed. Lubing up his fingers and started to slowly open Louis up.

My Little Vampire- Zouis Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now