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A few months later and Louis was due to give birth any day. He always complained he was sore and their daughter was always kicking and squirming.

One day, Louis was unusually pale and complaining he was overly hot. He was laying in bed and his fever wouldn't go down.

"Baby, I'm taking you to the hospital, even with the ice all over you, it says you have 102 fever."

"I'm fine," Louis said, shaking his head. "I'm just a bit hot."

"You're not fine, this could hurt the baby and you."

Louis ran a weak hand over his large stomach. "M'fine," he mumbled.

Zayn sighed, "Louis, baby, we need to get you to the emergency room, now."

"No," Louis whined, closing his eyes. "I'm...I’m tired."

"Louis, you have to stay with me," Zayn dialed 911, hoping they'll get here before he passes out. He tells the operator where they are and he goes back to Louis.

He pats his cheek, "Baby, stay awake, just until the ambulance comes."

"I'm not dying," Louis said stubbornly, eyes still closed. "I'm just tired. Lemme sleep."

"I know, but you're scaring me baby."

Louis opened his eyes and reached for Zayn. "I can't die anyways."

Zayn chuckled, "I know, but you could still get hurt."

Louis sighed and closed his eyes again. "Just let me sleep. That's all I wanna do."

"Well, the ambulance is coming, so hopefully they'll know what to do."

"Zayn...what's wrong with me?" Louis asked, opening his eyes and looking at Zayn sadly.

"Baby, I don't know, but you'll be fine, I'm right here." Zayn stepped aside as the paramedics came in to help him.

Zayn projected his voice into Louis' mind, even though he can't read it, he can put his voice there.

At the hospital, Louis was able to sleep in the bed. The doctor sighed.

"We don't know what's wrong with him," he told Zayn.

Zayn's eyes watered, "What do you mean you don't know what's wrong with him? He's had a 102 fever all day and he's been very exhausted, and you can't figure it out?"

"We've given him something to help his fever, but we haven't been able to find anything," the doctor said. "But if this continues, we'll have to deliver the baby."

"Why don’t you just deliver the baby, maybe she’s the cause."

"Well, right now we're just watching him. There's a possibility that it's just the flu," the doctor answered. Zayn sighed and just turned away from the doctor and went to comfort Louis.

When Louis woke up, he saw Zayn nearby. He whined and reached for him, feeling cold. "M'cold."

Zayn didn’t respond, he only just pulled off his boots and slipped under the covers behind Louis.

Louis cuddled back into Zayn's chest, sighing contently. "What's wrong with me?"

Zayn sighed and placed his hands on Louis’ stomach, rubbing it soothingly, "They don’t even know, they think you somehow caught the flu."

Louis hummed, feeling calm under Zayn's touch. "The baby is due soon."

Zayn smiled, "So soon."

Suddenly, Louis breaks into a fit of coughs and he's unable to stop. He finally stops when he's given a sip of water and help sitting up.

My Little Vampire- Zouis Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now