Chapter 2

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I stared at it for a few moments, wondering who this was, and why they cared to ask.

I shook my head, typing out a response.

Yes, who is this?

Immediately, the "..." of a typing message appeared. I watched it linger for a moment, before disappearing. The message came in a second later.

Sorry, I am the one who found your phone. You can call me Yoon. I'm glad it made its way back to you.

I bit my lip, brow furrowed. I wasn't sure how to feel about this person.

Okay..well, thanks.

You're very welcome.

I put my phone back down, heading towards the couch again. I was only halfway there before my phone went off again. I groaned, going back and picking it up, bringing it with me into my initial spot.

I don't mean to pry, but you don't seem to be from here.

I rolled my eyes, debating on if I should answer or not. Who was this "Yoon" person. Were they well meaning, or a total creep?

No, I finally answered. I'm only visiting.

Nice. Where from?


Thats awesome, i was there once. Beautiful place.

Interesting. I pulled a blanket over me, turning my attention back to the television.

It was a moment before curiosity got the better of me, and I picked my phone back up, sending another message.

What for? A visit?

I travel a lot for work.

What do you do for work?

I waited for a response back, but didn't receive one. I frowned, and tried to push it out of my head. I tried to focus on the show, but it wasn't long before I was drifting off to sleep.

The room was considerably darker when I woke up. I stretched, stiff from falling asleep on the sofa. I sighed, knowing my sleep schedule was going to be completely messed up. The time zones were complete opposites, and I doubted I would get used to it.

I stood up, thinking about if I wanted to try and go back to sleep in the bedroom, but my phone tumbled to the floor in the moment. I paused, grabbing it and checking the screen.

1 unread message.

I hurriedly unlocked it, reading the message.

It's difficult to explain. What about you, why are you in Korea?

I wanted to visit. I started learning Korean not that long ago.

I paused after hitting send, considering something. I typed out a new message.

Plus I wanted to go to a concert at the end of my stay, for the group BTS. Do you know them?

My phone has barely been lowered before it dinged.

I know them, yes.

Before I could respond, another message came in.

I'll be there, actually. It would be lovely to get to know you better, if that's okay. I know it's probably super weird- I don't want to come off as a creep. You seemed interesting, I saw you, but I had to go. I wish I could have stopped to talk to you.

I paused, re reading the message. I wasn't sure what to think any more. It was kind of creepy, in a way. But at the same time, if he was as busy as he said, it made sense why he couldn't stop.

If I take a chance, what happens next?

I put my phone down, getting ready to head off to bed. I brushed my teeth, changed, and grabbed my phone again before climbing into bed.

I took a deep breath before looking at the message.

Well, we can learn about each other. If you decide by the concert that you don't want to meet me, that's fine!

I stopped, contemplating. What was there to lose, really? This stranger may end up being someone I genuinely like, and if not, then I didn't half to talk to them again, I was only in Korea for a few weeks.

We have to call or video chat though. I want to know who I'm talking to.

Deal. I will call you in the morning.

I smiled at my phone, content. As creepy as it was, something about this felt right.

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