Chapter 1: First Trial

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Pain, there was a sharp pain in your shoulder. You opened your eyes, reaching up and grabbing your hurt shoulder.

"Oh no...not another one" A feminine voice said.

You quickly sat up, looking around. A bright, warm, orange fire was surrounded by a handful of people, each looking dirty, tired, and sad.

"What's your name?" A man in a white suit asked you, he held out his hand trying to help you up, you ignored the hand out of fear, scooting back against a log.

"Hey kid, calm down, we won't bite." A older man in a green veteran jacket said, he was calmly smoking a cigar.

"My Y/N L/N."

Everyone went through saying their name.

"How did you get in here?"

"I was...." You struggled to remember "Running from my father, he chased me into a forest."

"And I'm assuming that is also yours?" Bill pointed at a black stuffed dog near you.

"Yes!" You picked up the dog, looking over it carefully, your brother had given you the dog when you were younger.

"Where am I?" You looked around and around, staring into the black forest that surrounded the camp.

A loud growl shook the black fog around the camp, everyone looked sad, and Dwight...the apparent "leader" sighed.

"You're about to find out."

Suddenly, a thick black fog surrounded you, your vision was taken, and you were gone.

You appeared in a another plain, another large campfire was here, but instead of all 23 people there, only Dwight Claudette and David were there.

"What's going on? What's happening?" You said.

"I'll explain it to you, just...wait a second." Dwight said.

You glanced around the plain, concerned about how these people were so calm about everything. They were just teleported to a different plain! What was going to happen next? It seems they've been through thia before.

Another thick fog started to surround you. You groaned, your vision was taken again.

You woke up in another world, at least...that's what it looked like. There was a blue and green lighting around the area, in the center of the area was a large tower. Tall brick walls stopped anyone from seeing or escaping the area. A hand was placed on your shoulder, scaring you.

"Sorry, Dwight is a little busy, I'll help you, follow me, do not run, do not quickly jump over anything, and don't drop the pallets." Claudette said, gesturing for you to follow her.

"Pallets?" You said in a questioning tone, starting to quietly follow Claudette around.

"The wooden things." She pointed to a wooden pallet up against a brick wall.

She led you to a broken non working generator.

"Ok, in order to escape this place, we have to fix 5 generators around the map, once that's done we can escape."

"Escape? What do you mean?"

"I don't want to alarm you..."

"Tell me, please?"

"There's what we call a 'killer' trying to sacrifice us to an Entity." She said, her voice cracked a little.


"Calm down, the faster we do the gens, the quicker we can get out of here."

You nodded, all your senses were heightened now, your ears listening for any sound.

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