Chapter 14: Captured

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You closed the journal and stared at him.

"Are you sure?" You asked him. "This could be just a short thing."

"I'm sure."

You sighed and stared at the ground for a short while. Snow turning your H/C white while Frank waited for a proper response.

"I'm not sure Frank."

"What's the problem? We can fix it."

"No we can't"

"Why not?"

"It's because of who we are. I'm a survivor, you're a killer, what if you have to kill me in trial one time. What if The Entity preys on our relationship."

"Why bother caring about that? Why bother worrying about what happens in trials?"

"Because Frank, we hurt each other, it goes both ways. We've only been against each other twice, and The Entity will torture you if you don't comply!"

"I don't want to play it's sick games anymore anyway. Why should that thing control how we feel?"

"It controls everything else! There's other things we should be focusing on." You explained.

"Like what?"

"Figuring out how to escape."

"What makes you think you can get out of here?"

"Excuse me?" You felt a little offended by his statement.

"Almost 40 of us have tried to escape survivors and killers included. What makes you think you can get out of here?"

"So should we just give up? Allow that thing it hurt us and gather more people?"

"So are other people suddenly more important?"

"What are you insinuating?" You snapped at him, it sounded harsher then you intended.

"You suddenly care more about people you've never met; worrying about the future instead of what's going on right now."

"Don't try to pull any of that manipulative shit on me Frank, I care about you but I know what you are."

"What am I?" He said in a questioning tone.

"You're a sociopath. The signs are obvious."

"I know that!" Frank shouted at you. "And I try not to act like it but give me a break!"

He raised his knife into the air and slammed it into the ground next to you. You screamed and pushed away from him.

"You're still scared of me!" He snapped.

"What did you expect?" You pushed against his chest, scooting away from him. "You kill people."

"I never killed you."

"But I'm still scared. This is why we won't work!"

Frank pulled his mask over his face and turned away from you.

"Go away and leave me alone." He snapped

You flinched at the way he he said those words, they hurt, it brought back to many memories. Frank seemed to recognize your reaction, his shoulders fell.

"I'm sorry-"

"I have to go." You snatched the journal off the ground. "See you at the next meeting."

You walked out of Ormond holding the book close to you. You wiped tears that threatened to fall. His words hurt, you cared about him a lot and he was one of the closest people to you in this realm.

"Geez what happened to you?"

You heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Who's there?" You asked.

A man stepped out of the bushes, you've never seen him before. He e as covered head to toe, the only visible part of his face you could see was his mouth and nose. He wad wearing a belt that held a collection of empty syringes, but you could see some glowing orange ones in a satchel around his shoulder.

"My name is Talbot Grimes, I'm human."

"Y/N L/P."

"Lovely name."


You tried to be nice to him despite the sadness you felt in your chest.

"I've never seen you before, are you a survivor?"

"Not really I'm going to be honest." He laughed walking beside you slowly. "The Entity never really acknowledges my presence, so I really just explore the realm."

His head moved down to look at the journal you clenched to your chest.

"What's that?"

"Oh, just a Journal The Entity gave me."

"Did you write it?"

"No, someone named Vigo did."

Talbot flinched at that name, his shoulders rose in curiosity.

"May I... See the journal?" He asked.

"No." You clenched the journal tighter. "The Entity said not to lose it, and no offense but I just met you."

"Understandable really, I know I'm not the nicest person you could meet."

"There's worst people in the realm." You laughed. "You've been nicer to me then some of killers."

Talbot froze.

" to them?"

"Yeah, I meet them every once in a while."

"So why aren't they walking you through the woods?"

"Usual one of them would, but I got into an argument with him."

Talbot reached inside his bag to grap something. Something inside you told you to run. Your heart started to beat faster as you prepared to run.

Before you could Talbot's are shot out, his elbow hit your head hard. You collapsed to the ground, your vision was black and faded. You haven't passed out yet, but you needed to get up.

Talbot picked up Vigo's journal off the ground and put it in his satchel. He reached out and grabbed a handful of your hair, lifting your head off the ground and exposing your neck. Reaching inside and pulling out a syringe he injected it inside of you.

This time you felt any fight in your body fade, your vision blackened.

This time... You passed out.

The Legion: Frank x Reader [Gender Neutral]Where stories live. Discover now