Author's Note (MUST READ!!!)

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Hi, guys! 

It's your fanfic writer here, and today, instead of a new chapter, I have a couple of announcements to make.

As you already now, I have been working on this story since February. During the course of these months, it has accumulated over 6k reads, 2 hundred votes and 6 hundred comments. All of this engagement has truly blown me away, and I couldn't be more thankful about how lovely and positive all my readers have been; those who comment on a regular basis, those that have graced me with only few of their thoughts and those who have remained quiet.  

You've motivated me, inspired me and corrected me on a number of occassions, thus ensuring constant updates and improvement of the quality of my writing. So, in a way, you've participated -and continue to do so- in the making of this fanfic. Or -if I want to be poetic- concerning this writing road trip, I may be the driver, but you are the passengers. 

Announcement No1: 

And so, I feel obliged to inform you that I honestly don't know whether I can continue updating in such a pace. I want to believe that during this summer, my updates have been mostly consistent and -apart from a few misses here and there- I have delivered to you -at least- one chapter per week. However, by this Tuesday and untill the end of July, I will be extremely busy with my school work.

To elaborate; in Greece we have a set of exams to pass, in order to get to university and they require intense preparation of at least 2 years, which for me begins this year. Additionally, I am preparing for having my French C1 certificate exams this May, and for which I will have to work really hard (and I'm already pretty stressed about it, may I add). Also, I would like to maintain some -just a little- of my social life. As a result, I am left with too little time on my hands for weekly updates, as making one single chapter can take as long as 20 -or more- hours. 

Now, before you panic thinking I'll never post again, calm down. I have absolutely no intention of stopping, just because I'm busy. I have certain ambitions and dreams for this story, since it quite literally is the longest story I've written during my whole 3 years of never-ending work as an amateur author. Just to give you some insight, the story will end with the recap of all events (changed to fit the scenario, of course) of seasons 1 and 2, and I haven't even finished season 1 yet! In simple English, you don't know what's coming to you ;D

However, I have no clue how I'll manage to balance everything and how often the updates will be. I can assume they won't be rarer than once a month and they surely won't be as often as once a week. The original goal for now is to have bi-monthly updates (every 2 weeks), though that won't be permanent or strictly followed. The posting schedule will be rather fluid and because of that, I'll write a small announcement on my community in my page for every single chapter. Therefore, I suggest that you follow me in order to be warned about updates and less important (than this one) announcements. But, do whatever you want.  

Announcement No2: 

Moreover, I'm going to rewrite the prologue and first few chapters in the near future, before continuing the story from where I left it off, mostly because when I started writing the story, I didn't have put in the thought required to create and establish the rules and previous events that took place in the new Shadow World, my AU version of Alec is currently living in. Through my interaction with all my readers, I've reached the conlusion, that this lack of exposition creates some unanswered questions to all of you, that I can only answer in comments for now. 

I'll post a small announcement when these chapters and mostly the prologue have been re-written, so that you can read them once more.

To sum up, I'm re-writing stuff and updates will be posted in a less consistent pattern. I hope you can understand and that it won't put you off from reading the rest of the story. :) 

Enjoy yourselves and keep safe, ladies and gentlemen! <3 

Your fanfic writer

P.S. No1: If any of you wonder why it takes me so long to write, you can always ask me. Though, please don't be rude and dismiss the quality of my texts, by calling me lazy about how long I work on them.

P.S. No2: I am very sorry for leaving the story on a cliff-hanger! It wasn't my intention, but I simply couldn't write a longer chapter the last time. 

Image Source: and found on Google Images.

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