Frustrated Reactions to Their Past Actions

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Inspiration music: The classical piece "Moonlight Sonata," by the composer Beethoven. I DO NOT OWN the following video. It belongs to the YouTube channel "Rousseau."

"They are criminals who never paid for their crimes." The words rang loudly in his head, the phrase repeating itself as mantra, agitating the hunter's raging headache. The concrete pavement below, seemed to be swallowing him in with every step. The pain in his temples was only growing, making him dizzy and lightly nauseous. It had been long since the last time he had a migraine as severe as that. He needed a glass of water and his bed to rest atop of.

Though the hour wasn't as late barely ten o'clock (I'll definitely sleep about seven and half hours tonight), in his state of tiredness and disappointment at his parent's actions, the night appeared pitch black, the yellow dress and bleach blond hair of the woman walking next to him being a stark contrast, too bright for his droopy eyes.

Of course, his new boss (that is only here, because they are racist cowards!) had been completely understanding of his request to end the night early. Although, she had settled him down first. And he needed to be calmed down, as he was simply... furious. There were no words to properly describe the sheer anger, betrayal, frustration and distress fueling Alec's acute pain in his temples. He was certain that Jace sensed it too, his emotions too strong to ignore or conceal. Though, Jace didn't even want him anymore, so what was even the point of being concerned about whether he was messing his slumber.

My boy, please do not think that way! Your current state is breaking my heart.


The issue with feeling so frustrated with your own life as a Shadowhunter at that moment, however, was none other than the scorching burn on his lower belly and nasty sting on his head. The feeling of being burnt was so agonizing during those late hours, that he would have to place a cool, wet rug over the rune to ease it enough, in order to get some sleep when he was home, while he would definitely activate his emotion-control rune in order to calm his nerves and migraine.

If it weren't for the pain, he'd almost feel sorry about Lydia and her obvious awkwardness at his current raged state of mind. The woman had been nothing but honest with him, explaining how the Clave would never approve of traitors -punished or not- to lead an Institute and the reason of her arrival was to ensure the Lightwood children didn't share their parents' views. (Of course, and we don't! We are not killers and criminals!)

Settle down, my boy. Your migraine is becoming ever more painful.

She had made her intentions clear, stating she would want Alec as her partner and co-Head of the Institute, since there was absolutely no way for Inquisitor Herondale to allow a Lightwood to be in charge of anything alone, until Valentine Morgenstern was a villain of the past. She even encouraged Alec to scheme for a plan to regain his position, still unaware of the existence of one. (I need to let her know, first thing tomorrow morning!)

Yes, that would be right, Alexander. Considering the honesty from her part, I deem it the most appropriate for you to be truthful.

She had expressed her appreciation of Alec's work-ethic and organization, adding how helpful he'd be in aiding the fragile political relations between Nephilim and downworlders. "You are already close to one of the most influential and powerful warlocks to ever exist, Alec. Just imagine what the two of us could do!"

Lastly, she had just allowed him a little time for himself, a few precious moments of silent strolling through New York's pavements to gather his thoughts, giving him a little piece of advice first. "Just don't act on impulse. I know that right now there's a million thoughts going through your head and you are very angry, but you need to settle down before talking to your family -or anyone else for that matter- about what you learned. Go home, rest, spend some time with your youngest brother, and tomorrow morning -after you've had a calm breakfast- break the news. First to Max, though. Explaining harsh realities to a child in a manner they understand best is the most foolproof way of ensuring you don't allow your emotions to overpower your logic. We rule with our heads, not with our hearts, Alec."

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