Mundie Visits, Secret Kisses And Maxie Is A Sweetheart Deserving of Good Wishes

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Inspiration music: The song "King And Lionheart," by the band Of Monsters And Men. I DO NOT OWN the following video. It belongs to the YouTube channel Of Monsters and Men.


The little bean removed the Persian kitten from his lap and arose from his seat. He slowly walked towards the warlock, timid in his footsteps. He stood in front of him for a split-second, till he overcame his shyness. And then he embraced him, tried to. He rubbed his small hands on his back in comforting manner and quietly muttered the following.

"I am very sorry for your loss, Mr. Magnus, even though it's been centuries. That mustn't have been easy on you. I hope it is easier now." The bean had such a way to be comforting sometimes, as if one could rest his burdens on his small body while hugging him, even for a little while.

"At least you had a mum that was good to you, though. You may have lost her in this Earth, but Alec has taught us that good people go to a good place -the Creator has made it for them- after death, somewhere beyond the stars and the rest of our universe. She must be looking down at you from there fondly, I'm certain. And you can think of her soul fondly as well." He was talking so quietly but with certainty; one of the most brilliant minds infused with an innocent and hopeful soul whispering his faith to aid another's grief.

Alexander, I... I don't have any comments for once...

(I know, my Angel... I am also touched...)

You raised him well, my boy. You ought to recognize this much.

The hunter just knew that even if Magnus wanted to, he wouldn't be able to resist his compassion. The warlock leaned in the hug, bringing the child closer, his brown eyes glinting with barely visible unshed tears, the margin of his irises shedding away that chocolate-brown to reveal a rim of gold; a part of his glamor was fading, but not all of it.

Those eyes met the hunter's hazel, an emotion he couldn't decipher on them. That urge to hug him returned, yet it was very different. If the hunter could, he'd hold Magnus dearly, he'd let him hide his face at the crook of his neck, and never let him go.

He tried not to dwell on those futile thoughts, though, instead focusing at how the other two broke apart, Maxie shyly moving away from the warlock, placing his hands behind his back. "Sorry for being sappy, Mr. Magnus."

"Do not apologize for such a thing, Maxie. Warlocks tend to be sappier than Shadowhunters, anyways." He reassured him.

"And... and thank you... honestly, Max..."

"There is nothing to thank me for, Mr. Magnus. I know first-hand what it's like to have an unfortunate family situation."

At that the warlock frowned. "What do you mean, Maxie? I've heard so much about the Lightwoods' vigor to raise their children as proper Shadowhunters, whatever that means."

Maxie chuckled in bitter irony and his brother almost did as well (vigor to raise us?! From Mum and Dad... ha!) "Don't believe everything you hear, Mr. Magnus. Most of the time they're lies. The only person who's shown any vigor to raise us is Alec." (Yet, Magnus doesn't need to know of our problems. He has enough of his own.)

"Max..." Alec urged him to sit down and stop the conversation.

"What?! It's the truth!" But the boy misinterpreted his intentions as shame. "Since when are we afraid of the truth?"

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