Anouncement And Q+A (MUST READ!!!)

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December 15th, 2019

Dear gals and lads,

As the author of this fanfic, I am at the pleasant position to announce that you've officially reached the midst of this book! *throws confetti and cheers* 

We made it, guys!!! I am genuiely so EXCITED to post the next four chapters as they mark the beginning of the -much more interesting in my opinion- second half. And let me tell you, you won't know what hit you. ;)

From now on, you will witness the awesomeness of diplomacy, wars, chases, undercover missions, secret personas and loads of money used for good and bad reasons. You will fall even more in love with Malec's playfulness and jokes, fluffy and endearing moments and serious conversations. You will squeal in excitement  as Izzy becomes her fashionable, science nerd and K-pop fan self, all while kicking ass with a whip. You will swoon at Clace and start sympathising with Jace. You will appreciate precisely how Lydia's bossiness saves the day. You'll awe at Max and be a little scared by his besties (they'll be cute too, though). You will be introduced to new characters and see even more ships. You will marvel at magic and be shaken by how amazing of a warrior duo Alec and Jace are. You'll see Simon start his glow-up and proceed to adulthood with the unlikely help of Alec. You'll meet and hate Camille Belcourt and Aldetree. You'll finally see Alec's coming out. 

Long story short, you'll enjoy yourselves. XD

Though, as this is such a pivotal moment, I have a few questions for all of you. At this point, there are so many readers and I have compilled so MANY questions in my mind that could honestly improve this story. 

So, even if you've never left a single comment, do answer the following! 


1. What drawn you in the story and made you read it all (even though it is huge at length)?

2. Do you find the long descriptions tiresome?

3. Do you like the outfit descriptions and would you like references?

4. Do you like my more lyrical approach to writing?

5. Do yοu ever listen to the music at the beginning of the chapters, or am I just wasting my time trying to set the mood? (I won't stop even if the answers are negative. I'm just curious.)

6. What's your favorite character (main, secondary, canon or original) and why? I'm curious.

7. If you could speak to Angel Raziel what would you tell him?

8. Has there ever been a moment you wanted to straight-up punch one of the character? If so, which one?

9. Has there ever been a moment you were mad at Alec?

10. Was there a moment that left you absolutely shocked? Which one?

11. Was there less Malec than expected? If you think so, were you disappointed by it?

12. Have you noticed any improvement -writing wise- from chapter 1 (not the prologue, since it was recently re-written) and the previous one? If so, could you please note in what accords?

13. Have you enjoyed your experience reading my story?

14. Has my story inspired you or motivated you in any way?

15. Have you learnt anything new reading this?

16. Has there been anything you disliked?

17. What's one thing you'd like to tell me and are too shy to? (Don't be shy, I don't bite XD)

However, since I believe in fair trade, you may all ask me whatever in this post, from my writing, where I get my inspo or generally whatever you want. I'll be more than happy to answer all and any questions of yours. :D

Unfortunately, because this second half will be more thrilling, it will also require much more effort and time, so do excuse any misses in updates. I'm SO sorry! :'(

I hope you have a lovely day/night and that you'll enjoy the continuation. 

Now, what are you waiting for? GO READ THE CHAPTERS!!!

Your fanfic author

P.S. Just to excite you a little and show some of Alec's amazing moods, do check out this video by the YouTube channel "FandomsWillxCollide." I DO NOT OWN the following video.


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