Chapter 16

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I threaded in and out of the fleeing multitude outside, running my heart out to save myself and the redhead in my arms. I'd been so tense, I'd hardly even taken the effort to look at her, and I certainly didn't have the time to do so even now. 

My head darted back and forth as I searched for a way to return to the Sand Dollar, or at least the forested grove we'd walked through to enter the village. When I sighted the cluster of trees on the border of the small town, I altered my course and set my steps that way. 

I found myself running on a pedestrian walkway along one of the main roads, which appeared to be a relatively safe escape path. With that realization, I slowed my steps to allow myself to catch some much-needed oxygen. 

"I'm Baird, by the way." I muttered to Danielle between gasps for breath. I glanced down and smiled for a second. 

"Hi." she managed to squeak. "What do" 

I coughed. "Umm...I write..." I trailed off, realizing how little I actually contributed to the group, "Yeah...what about you?" 

"I'm a thermonuclear engineer, of sorts. I make bombs...really deadly ones." 

My eyes widened as I nodded and increased my speed again. "Okay, then. I've officially been made insignificant." 

Danielle giggled and tightened her hold on my shoulder. "I'm sure there's something you're good at." 

"Yeah, writing. That's not useful here." 

The roadway ahead came to a dead-end, and the walkway with it, so I turned onto a different street and darted into a narrow alley. Garbage cans, upright and prostrated alike, lined the path and gave me still more obstacles to leap over or step around. 

I skidded to a halt as a quintet of hoodlums emerged from every imaginable hiding place. Clicking sounds emanated from their guns. I panicked and set Danielle down on her feet. Then I raised my hands in surrender, forcing her to do the same. 

"You wouldn't happen to have one of those bombs on you, would you?" I whispered to the redhead. 

She frowned. "No! This would be way too close range for any bomb anyway, let alone a thermonuclear nightmare in the midst of a city!" 

"Fair point." I conceded before shifting my attention to the hooligan who appeared to be in charge. He licked his lips and eyed us hungrily. If I knew what thoughts were running through his head, I likely would've vomited quite readily. 

The lead gangster unzipped his leather jacket, revealing that he wore nothing underneath it. He handed the garment to the nearest man and stepped closer. "You're fascinating." he hissed at us.  

"So are you." I retorted. "That doesn't make it a good thing." 

"I'm having a hard time choosing which one of you to take into my possession." 

I widened my eyes. "Wait a minute, when was...that, ever the topic here?" 

The crazy-eyed hoodlum slurped animalistically. "Since I can't choose, I'm gonna give you the choice, Prince Charming." 

I gagged at his nickname for me. "Choice?" I echoed. 

"Yes. Your life, or hers?" The insane man burst into uncontrollable laughter. "It's a hard choice, isn't it?" 

I closed my eyes, paused, and sighed. "Not really. I'm not a man to die for someone I don't even know." 

Danielle gasped. "Why, you—" 

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