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At St. James park sat an angel and a demon on a bench, as if they were waiting. The angel Aziraphale, sighed softly. "I hope she didn't forget."He muttered as he looked around. Crowley sat there with a grin on his face "So who is this friend?" He asked with a grin as he turn to him. "You will see her when she gets here." He assured his demon friend while trying to keep a eye out for a Rose, where was she at? Crowley groaned in protest. Meanwhile, Rose stopped once she jumped over the fence, breathing hard. Her eyes scanned the area as the sun set over the horizon, almost dark. Finally she spotted Aziraphale, finally. Along with his friend. Rose walked up causing Aziraphale to perk up and smile at seeing her finally show up. "Oh hello dear Rose." He said happily with a smile. Crowley, not so much. "Hello to you to Aziraphale." She greeted back happily to the angel, at least he was her friend. "Oh this is Crowley, my friend."He said as he turned to Crowley who just simply nodded. Rose bit her lip "is your friend ok?" She asked causing Crowley to raise a brow, uh oh. "Yes. He doesn't really socialize a lot, he is a demon." Aziraphale said as he stood up, Crowley following. Rose nodded slowly before hearing some yelling, not again. The three men came up "well look who it is boys." One of them started, here we go again. Rose sighed and turned around "Look just go away please." She said nicely and politely. Aziraphale looked over at Crowley who was grinning like a idiot, obviously amused. One guy put his hand on her arm causing her to punch him in the face which caused him to fall and hold his face, one down. The other two guys turned to her "You are going to pay for that." One of the other two hissed out. Rose grinned and shifted into her tiger form, growling angrily (pic but eyes are red). People around them noticed and ran for their lives, obviously frightened. The two men however didn't move "Be a good kitty and run home." They teased. Rose growled angrily and decided that now she can try to see if her mighty roar will come out. She opened her mouth and tried, no roar. The only sound that came out was a struggled meow then coughing, once again. The two men in front of her laughed, including Crowley. Aziraphale nudged him in the side "It's not funny." He mumbled to him in a scolding tone. Aziraphale snapped his fingers and the men ran away, disappearing. Rose was sad, once again. After all these years of trying and still nothing, she might as well just give up. Aziraphale walked over and kneeled in front of her, taking her face in his hands. "You will get it in time dear, I'm sure of it." He assured her, softly petting her face. Rose purred at the petting, very loud. Crowley shook his head at this before looking at his watch "Well it is late, we must be going on." He said as he started to walk over to the Bentley. Aziraphale turned to Rose "Do you have a place to stay my dear?" He asked. Rose looked down before shaking her fur, tempting. "I can make you a spot at the bookshop to stay. Come along dear." He said happily to her. Rose trotted beside him towards the Bentley, Crowley's car. Crowley opened the drivers seat and before he could get in, Rose jumped in. Crowley groaned, sighed, and grumbled in annoyance. "We are not doing this." He groaned out to Aziraphale. Rose sniffed around as the two converses with each other, getting tired. She finally jumped into the back seat and layed down on her belly. Aziraphale gave him a pleading look "Crowley please, just this once." He said in a pleading tone, glancing to Rose. Crowley sighed "fine, this once." He grumbled and got in the drivers seat, Aziraphale in the passenger seat. Once the doors closed he took off to the bookshop, to drop Aziraphale and Rose off. It didn't take long to get there. Once there the door opened and Rose hopped out, sniffing around. Crowley eyed her, interesting. Aziraphale turned to face him. "I will see you sometime tomorrow Crowley, perhaps lunch at the Ritz?" He asked. Crowley thought about it for a moment while watching Rose sniff her way around before going up to the door, more interesting. "Of course angel. Tomorrow it is." Was all he said before he was off in a flash. Aziraphale unlocked the door then opened it, letting Rose inside. Once inside Rose shifted back and brushed her shirt off "Aziraphale, you didn't have to see me like that." She said with a frown. Aziraphale switched the open sign to closed and started a fire in the fireplace. "I know dear. I am sorry you have to go through this." He said, frowning as well. Rose decided to explore and went to the back of the bookshop, exploring around. Aziraphale was finished closing up shop when he realized Rose was gone, where did she go?" Aziraphale walked to the back of the shop to see Rose in her tiger form, curled up on some blankets. He smiled and walked over, starting the fireplace near her. Rose layed there with her head over her paws, snoozing for now. She opened her eyes to see Aziraphale there, she doesn't mind. He walked back to the other side of the store to take care of some things so that he does not bother her and her slumber. While Rose slept in the back Crowley came back, to speak with Aziraphale. Both angel and demon went to the back of the bookshop where Rose was sleeping, peacefully for now. Aziraphale sat on a couch with Crowley, watching her. "Poor girl, so much has happened to her."Aziraphale said as he watched her breathing, it was calm for now. Crowley removed his sunglasses which revealed his yellow slotted eyes, whom was also watching her. "She is not human Aziraphale. Neither angel or demon." He muttered to him. This was so strange to him. Aziraphale nodded "She is what the humans call a mutant, being born with this ability."He muttered back to him so they would not wake Rose, which would be terrible. Both angel and demon stayed silent and listened to the cracking and popping of the fireplace that was by Rose to keep her warm. Crowley decided to break the silence. "Heard anything from your people?"He asked, turning to him. Aziraphale shook his head "sadly not, yours?" He asked in return. Crowley shook his head "quiet as a mouse. Not a peep." He muttered. There was a shuffling noise causing both Crowley and Aziraphale to look only to see Rose now awake, stretching. Rose shifted back to her human form and walked over to the two, sitting in between them. Crowley cleared his throat "I'm Crowley. By the way." He started, looking over at her. Rose bit her lip and noticed his slitted eyes, they were beautiful. "I'm Darkrose, Rose for short." She giggled out. Aziraphale chuckled lowly "seems you two will get along just fine." He said while Rose and Crowley started facing a decent conversation, and a joke about life in general. Crowley noticed her eyes and the shade of red that they were, they were beautiful. They were lost. Aziraphale cleared his throat. Rose snapped away and blinked fast "I'm sorry." She whispered. Crowley waved it off "it's fine darling. No need to worry about it." He muttered. Rose blushed at the nickname, she has never been called it before. Aziraphale motioned to the clock causing Crowley to get up "well I shall take my leave. I will see you tomorrow darling." He chuckled out as he left. When he left Aziraphale walked back to see Rose asleep on the couch, and a smile on her face. He grabbed a blanket and draped it over her. Tomorrow is a big day.

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