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The main thing that Rose hated was waking up in the mornings, it takes forever to wake up. She groaned softly as she opened her eyes, to get adjusted to the sunlight. What time is it? She looked over to see the spot next to her empty, where was Crowley? She can smell something cooking, must be breakfast. She slid out of bed and exited the room, rubbing her eyes. The faint sound of Queen can be heard as she made her way to the kitchen, where Crowley was. He was in the kitchen cooking or at least trying to, having a bit of trouble. Rose leaned against the wall as she watched him scramble about, it was kind of cute. He had just placed the last waffle down on the plate and turned to see Rose standing there, freezing in place. "Oh hi I um I made food for you. I didn't know what you liked so i made waffles." He said as he turned the Queen music off, rubbing the back of his neck. Rose giggled a bit and walked over to wrap her arms around his waist, burying her head into his chest. "It's wonderful, thank you Crowley." She giggled out, inhaling his scent. Crowley slowly placed his arms around her, as if she was fragile like glass. "Anything for you darling." He whispered, cradling her. After a few minutes he cleared his throat, pulling his arms away from her. "Eat up. Or I will force feed you." He teased, nudging her. Rose giggled and raised her hands in surrender as she sat down and ate her waffles, which didn't last long. While Rose got up to wash her plate in the sink, Crowley went to shower. She didn't mind that. Rose washed her plate and put it away to dry, starting to dry her hands. By the time she was done, Crowley was ready. Rose grabbed her boots and slipped them on, putting her phone in her pocket. "ready to go darling?" Crowley asked, offering his hand to her. Rose nodded and put her hand in his , the two walking out the door. Once down the elevator they got in the Bentley and sped off, to go to the bookshop. While on the way Rose was getting nervous, what was Zira going to think? "Darling." Crowley called out again, snapping her out of her thoughts. Rose shook her head fast, rubbing her head. They were here. "Are you alright?" He asked, his brows furrowed together in worry. "Yea just worried. About what Zira would think." She muttered, looking down at her hands. The feeling of hand on hers made her flinch a bit and look over. Crowley. "I known him for 6,000 years. Angel will understand, now let's go." He said, getting out of the Bentley. Rose sighed and got out of the Bentley, going to the door. She stood there for a good few minutes, biting her lip. Crowley took her hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles, trying to calm her nerves. "We can do this darling. I'll be right here." He assured her, intertwining their fingers. Rose took in a breath and nodded, giving a small smile to him. Here goes nothing. The two walked in and for Rose's sake, the bookshop was empty. Aziraphale came to the front of the store from the back and smiled happily at seeing the two, happy to see them. "Oh! Hello you two! Come, come." He ushered the two to the back, the two sitting on the sofa. Aziraphale sat in a chair and made himself comfortable, looking at the two. Rose bit her lip as her eyes looked around the room, obviously nervous. "Rose, Crowley. How was your day yesterday?" He asked the two, looking back and forth. Crowley cleared his throat, adjusting his sunglasses over his face. "Angel. We of course went on our date and well, we are now dating. Just to see how it goes." Crowley said, taking Rose's hand in his. Rose gripped onto his arm, in case Zira didn't like it. It never came. "That's great. I am happy for the both of you!" Aziraphale said happily. Rose sighed in relief and let go of Crowley's arm, thank heavens. "Tea?" He asked, looking at the two. "Alcohol." Crowley said, leaning back in the sofa. "Rose what would you like?" Aziraphale asked as he got up, grabbing a bottle for Crowley. "Tea please." Rose said, getting up to help. She helped Aziraphale set the kettle and give Crowley his bottle, who was loving on it. While Rose and Aziraphale were preparing tea, Aziraphale turned to face her. "So. Where did Crowley take you?" Aziraphale asked, glancing over at her. Rose bit her lip and looked to Aziraphale. "He took me to St.James park. We had a picnic." She said, showing the ring on her finger. Aziraphale gasped as he eyed the ring then back to her. "You're engaged already?" He asked, looking at the ring. Rose fell into a fit of giggles, trying to calm down. "Zira this is a promise ring. Not engagement." She assured him, calming down. Aziraphale sighed in relief, thank God. "Well I am happy that you are happy. I hate to see you sad." He said, frowning. Rose frowned and patted his arm, knowing what he was talking about. Aziraphale shook it away from his thoughts. "Well. tea is almost ready. You still like honey in your tea dear?" He asked, changing the subject. Rose nodded, grabbing the honey. Once the tea was in the cup she added the honey and stirred it, good honey at that. She lifted the cup to her lips and took a sip, sighing in satisfaction. "Better dear?" Aziraphale asked, giving her a soft smile. Rose nodded happily "Thank you." She whispered, taking another sip. Aziraphale made his own tea and the two went to check on Crowley, to see how he was holding up. Surprisingly he wasn't drunk. Rose sat down beside Crowley and sipped her tea, letting him pull her closer to him. She set her tea down on the table and snuggled into Crowley's side, inhaling his cologne. Aziraphale smiled as he watched the two snuggle each other, being glad that Rose was now happy. Rose took the final sip of her tea and stood up, to go wash her tea cup. "I will be right back." She told the two, going to the sink. As she washed the tea cup she suddenly felt like something was wrong with her head, like someone was reading her mind. Rose clenched her eyes shut then reopened them, hoping for it to go away. It still remained. "So you decide to love a demon. What would your father and mother think?" A voice in her head asked. What the hell. She looked around to see if she wasn't hearing things, but no one was there. "Come now Rose. Must I make a visit to your mother and father?" The voice asked, kind of in a teasing way. "Who the hell are you? This isn't happening." She whispered as she frantically put the tea cup away, her eyes scanning the room more. "You will learn in time. What i want to know is why are you with an angel and a demon? Have your parents taught you anything?" The voice continued on. Rose hissed and whipped around, panting heavily. "You don't know me. I don't have parents." She hissed out, hearing a faint chuckle. "Every human has parents. Every human has a story. What if I told you that yours were still alive?" The voice asked. Oh that hit a nerve, big time. Rose turned and saw a man in a grey or silver suit with a violet tie of some sorts. "Who the hell are you?" She hissed out. The strange man raised a brow as his eyes looked her up and down, examining her. "Is that how you should speak to an archangel?" The man huffed out, brushing some dust off of his suit jacket. Archangel? The term sounded familiar but Rose just couldn't put her finger on it. "Oh well look at the time. I have things to do. Ta da." he said with a grim, giving a small wave. He disappeared. Rose stood there in silence, until the voice returned. "You should know to not disrespect an archangel. I would hate to do this but, here is your warning will be in touch." The voice said, going quiet. In touch? What is going on? All of a sudden there was a sudden pain at her scar over her eye, causing her to hiss in pain. Rose felt something go down her face, some kind of liquid. She put her hand to her face and looked back at her hand, to see blood. Her scar had reopened. Aziraphale walked in and gasped at seeing the blood on her face, rushing to help her. "Crowley!" Aziraphale called out, grabbing tissues and napkins. he placed them over the scar as Crowley came rushing in, looking over her face. "She needs a doctor. She needs stitches." Crowley said hurriedly, helping her out of the room. "Do be careful dear." Aziraphale pleaded as Crowley put her in the Bentley, sliding into the drivers seat. He sped down the road, weaving in and out of cars. Rose held the napkins and tissues to her afce, to keep the pressure on. When they got to the emergency room and inside she was immediately brought back. Crowley stayed in the waiting room , running his hands through his hair. what happened?

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