Can't help falling in love

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When Rose woke up she felt better than she has in a long time, a long time. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, what time was it? She looked at the time to see it was already 1:00, what the hell! She bolted up and almost ran straight into Aziraphale causing her to scramble back, that was close. "Now since you have a date tonight, here." He said, giving her some cash. "You go get something nice to wear missy." He said, shooing her to the door. Rose giggled "Thanks Aziraphale. You are like the father I never had. But you really shouldn't give me this." She said, holding the money. Aziraphale chuckled "I know. Now shoo." He said, getting her to the door. Rose slipped her boots on and went out the door, letting it shut behind her. Off she goes. Meanwhile at Crowley's flat he was on the point of loosing his mind, this was not easy. He put everything in the picnic basket after looking through everything. Everything was set. Since this was their first 'date' he will just start small, then work up. At least that's what he read about dating and such. "Ok so that's done." He muttered, grabbing his phone. "Hello Rose. Still set for 8:30?" He muttered, texting Rose. A second later she replied "Yep! Just shopping right now lol" He read aloud, fair enough. "ok. Meet you at Aziraphales to pick you up." He sent back. Time to get ready. The hours passed by and Rose was ready in her that she had bought, feeling nervous as hell. She bit her lip as Aziraphale closed up shop then went over, sitting beside her on the sofa. "dear I think you look like an angel." he complemented her, smiling warmly. Rose giggled a bit 'Thank you Azi." She giggled out, twiddling her thumbs. A engine sound was heard then stopped outside the shop, must be Crowley. Aziraphale stood and went to the door to see Crowley just letting himself in, rude. "Rose." Aziraphale called out, turning halfway. Rose bit her lip nervously and came out the back, standing beside Aziraphale. Crowley swore he must be dreaming, If demons could dream. "R-Rose o-oh..." He trailed off, stuttering away. Aziraphale chuckled "Don't worry dear. That's a good sign." He whispered to her. Aziraphale then cleared his throat "well get a move on you love birds." He teased, moving them to the door. Crowley opened the passenger side door for Rose, watching her get in. Once she was in he shut the door and got in the drivers seat, driving off. "Dear do me a favor and close your eyes." He grinned, glancing over at her. Rose bit her lip once again and closed her eyes, with her hands over them. The drive to St. James park took about 10 to 15 minutes , it wasn't that far. Once there Crowley stopped and helped Rose out, leading her to the spot. He stopped her. "ok you can open them." He said, sitting down on the blanket. Rose uncovered her eyes and gasped softly, it was beautiful. The sky littered with stars above them. Rose walked over and sat down beside him, receiving a glass of champagne. She took it as she stared at the stars with him, it was peaceful. Slowly she turned her gaze and looked at Crowley, staring at his sunglasses. Crowley and Rose stared at each other for a while, until Rose reached her hand up. She took his sunglasses off his face and set them down, staring at his yellow slitted eyes. He might think they are hideous but to her she could stare at them all day, they were beautiful. Crowley leaned over until until their foreheads touched together, staring into each others eyes. "Have I ever told you that your eyes are beautiful? because I have fallen when I first saw them." He flirted, nudging her playfully. Rose giggled and nudged him back playfully, big mistake. Crowley grinned and went to shove her back playfully only to see her dodge him. Rose put her glass down then ran "try and get me." She teased. Crowley grinned more and gave chase, running after her. Rose ran halfway and started to act like she was getting tired, but she wasn't Crowley grinned and tackled her playfully, sending the two rolling. After the roll Rose was on bottom and Crowley was on top, grinning like crazy. Rose giggled "well then. let me guess, you want a prize?" She asked teasingly. Crowley smirked at Rose, which meant a yes. "yes I do. what I want is you." He whispered, leaning in. Rose was about to say something until she felt his lips on hers, causing her to freeze. Her eyes slowly shut and returned the kiss, tangling her fingers in his short hair. The two stayed like this for a while before Rose pulled away, needing to breathe. She opened her eyes and stroked his short hair with her fingers, staring at his yellow slitted eyes. Crowley helped her sit up with her arms around his neck, their foreheads touching once more. "Will you be mine?" He whispered, holding her to himself. Rose smiled happily "Of course." She giggled out. She felt something cold and looked to see a ring sliding onto her finger, a . She bit her lip shyly as she looked down at it, it was beautiful. He tilted her head up and their lips connected once more. The two melted into the kiss, enjoying each others embrace. After a while the two pulled away and Crowley slipped his own on, it suited him. Rose giggled and snuggled her head into his chest and he in return wrapped his own arms around her waist. They finished their picnic and went back to the bookshop to see Aziraphale asleep, oh well. Rose leaned back into the passenger seat "Well I-" She was cut off by Crowley taking her hand in his, that was a shock. She looked at him and bit her lip, don't cry Rose. "You can stay at my place, with me, if you like." He offered, intertwining their fingers. Rose looked at the bookshop that would most likely be locked before back at Crowley, such a hard choice. "Ok." She smiled. Crowley ran his thumb over her hand as he put the in drive and made his way back to his flat. Once the two got out and went inside they rode up the elevator up to his floor, going in. Rose hesitantly walked in and fidgeted nervously, not knowing what to do. "I will go find you a shirt to wear." Crowley said and went straight for the bedroom, going through his clothes. Rose bit her lip shyly as she saw him return with a Queen , better than nothing. "This was the only thing I could find of shirt wise." He said, offering it to her. "Thanks." She giggled out, taking it. She went into the bathroom and slipped out of her jacket and tank top, putting it on. It was a bit big on her but overall it fit perfectly. She exited the bathroom and slipped out of her boots and put them in a corner, walking around. "Well what do you know, It looks excellent on you darling." Crowley purred out, slipping his arms around her waist from behind. Rose giggled and turned around , wrapping her arms around his neck "well don't worry. I'll give it back tom-"She started until he cut her off. "Don't dear, keep it." He purred out, laying his head on top of hers. "ok. But how are we going to tell Zira?" She asked, burying her head into his chest. That was going to be hard to do. He would be either mad or just be the happy angel that he is and accept how they are together now. "Don't worry. I will talk to him about it, so he can understand." He assured Rose, burying his face In her hair. Rose released a small yawn causing Crowley to chuckle 'Is kitty sleepy?" He teased, looking down at her. Rose giggled and nodded "yea. I really haven't slept good for a...while." She muttered. "Well then, this way." Crowley said, scooping her up. Rose yelped at the sudden action and giggled when her back hit the comfortable bed, at last. Crowley crawled onto the bed and layed on his side, facing Rose. "You know after 6,000 years I actually am glad I met you." He grinned, resting his forehead against hers. Roses red eyes met his yellow slitted ones, getting lost in them. She reached her hand up and felt his short hair, enjoying how it felt. "So am I." She said, pecking his lips. Crowley snapped his fingers causing his clothes to change into a pair of black silk pajama pants and a black t-shirt. "well lets go to sleep dear. I love you, my kitty." He said, pecking her lips, as the lights turned off. Rose snuggled into him once she felt his arms wrap around her protectively, feeling safe. "I love you too my handsome demon." She said, falling asleep in his arms.

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