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NOTE: This is a Memory!
-17 years ago-  The Lab
The room was cold as usual. The sense of fear was in the air, Roses fear. She only had little time to escape before they would return, her parents. She managed to snag a key card from one of the scientists, since the whole place is only key card accessible. She wore short cargo pants of some sorts, barefoot, and a black t-shirt. slid out of the room and sneaked down the hall, peeking around a corner. No camera, good. She bounded down the hall and to a pair of metal double doors, pushing on them. The Keycard. She leaned up and put it to the scanner, the doors unlocking with a click. Bingo. She glanced around before going through them, peeking around. So far clear. She went down the hall and turned the corner, scanning the keycard again. She opened the door to see the outside, where she never been. The alarms went off, uh oh. "Project Tigress has escaped." The intercom blared out. Definitely not good. Rose bolted outside and into the night and woods, the sound of trucks cranking up pushing her to try and run faster. Rose ran through thorn bushes and leaves, trying to escape. All of a sudden she ended up shifting to her other , making baby noises. She is so small. Rose crawled into some bushes, waiting. The trucks drove past her hiding spot and continued down the road, good. Rose meowed painfully as she shifted back, trying to get use to it. How did she get this power? Why did they want to hurt her? She will have to think about that later, she has to keep moving. Rose bounded through the , confused on how she was able to see so well. She reached a small , watching people walk around the shops and all. "Monster!" Someone yelled out, pointing at Rose. Everyone ran. How was she a monster? She didn't understand. Rose looked into a shops mirror to see she was covered in dirt, scratches all over her from the thorn bushes, a scratch over her eye that was bleeding, and a pair of glowing red eyes. She needs to exile herself. She heard the trucks again, they were coming. There was a dock, she can run away using a boat. Rose sneaked onto a small cargo ship and hid somewhere, hugging her knees to her chest. She was cold, alone, tired, and hungry. Her eyes slowly shut and she fell fast asleep as the ship too off, going to wherever. A couple of hours later she was woken up by the blare of the ship horn, signaling they could have arrived. Rose woke up and peeked out a window to see them at a shipyard named 'Sea dock Marine Agencies Ltd'. At least it was English. It was night time and raining at that, pouring rain and freezing. She looked around and spotted a flag on a pole that was in like an X or something, not American. She was in a different country. Rose sneaked out, peeking around the corner. "Hey! What are you doing here?!" A man yelled, going towards her. Crap. She ran, the man giving chase. There has to be a way to escape. Rose ran and into the rain, immediately getting soaked. She panted as she ran around the corner, looking for somewhere to hide. A double-decker bus was at a stop, bingo. She ran over to the bus and slipped in through the people that were already getting in, so she can hide. Rose climbed under a seat as everyone took their seats, the bus moving. Finally. The bus went down the street and took a couple of turns, stopping once again. Rose slipped out into the rain once again, soaked and cold. Alone as well. She walked down the sidewalk in the heavy rain, shivering. There has to be some kind of shelter. A bookshop. What is a bookshop? She went up to see a 'closed' sign. Was that bad? Rose sat on the ground at the door, her knees hugged to her chest. She was trying to shield herself from the heavy rain but there was no cover for her, since she was soaked clearly. A couple of minutes have passed as Rose sat there in the heavy rain, shivering. The door opened and Rose turned her head to see a man with white looking hair and a tan or brown looking waistcoat of some sort, looking at her. "Oh! Goodness dear you are soaked. Here come in. Let's get you in and dry you off!" The man said as he reached out to help her get inside, the girl flinching. She was terrified. There was a look of fear in her red eyes, to seeing a stranger. "Don't worry dear, it's ok. I'm not going to harm you. Come in so we can dry you off." The man assured her, helping her up. Rose walked inside and looked around in amazement, seeing books everywhere. The man was about to slip her shoes off, but saw she was barefoot. Poor thing. He led her towards the back, where the sofa was at. The man sat her down before starting a fire in the small fireplace and wrapping a blanket around her shivering body, watching her flinch. "Where are your parents young one?" The man asked, grabbing a small towel. Rose just stayed quiet as the man dried her face, shaking and flinching. The man cleaned the blood off of the wound over her eye, examining it. It didn't look like she needed stitches. The man hovered his hand over the wound, cleaning it. There will sadly be a scar. Rose's eyes were wide in amazement, pure shock. "How?" She managed to say, watching him. The man smiled and dried her hair and face, getting her warm and dry. "I'm an angel dear." He told her, feeling a connection to her. Rose awed at that. "Now dear, about you. Where are your parents?" He asked as he checked her over for any other injuries. So far none besides a few bruises and scratches from some thorns. How in heavens did she get like this? Rose shook in fear again , shaking her head. "Afraid. Lab. Testing." She shivered, wrapping herself up more in the blanket. The man now knew what she was saying, or what she was trying to say. He sat beside her, gently drying her hair with the small towel. "It's ok dear. I'll keep you safe." He whispered, staying at her side. Little Rose sniffled and hugged him, burrying her head into him. Aziraphale is trying to handle the cuteness, he really is. He wrapped his arms gently around her small form, afraid he would hurt her. "What is your name dear?" He asked, looking down at her. Rose plopped herself against him, now comfortable. "Darkrose. other than that project Tigress was my name." She mumbled out. Aziraphale frowned at this, seeing what she has been through. "What is your name?" Rose asked, sitting up. "Aziraphale." He responded, patting her on the head. Rose awed at that, which made Aziraphale happy. This little child was adorable, why would anyone want to hurt her? "I heard about angels. That they live way up there." Rose said, pointing up the best she could. Aziraphale chuckled, nodding. "That is true dear. We perform miracles as well. Would you like to see?" He asked, Rose aweing and nodding. Aziraphale miracle a cup of warm tea, handing it to her. Rose awed and gently took it, sniffing it. It was as if she was hesitant, not knowing what this liquid was. This was true. Aziraphale frowned at this also. It seemed she doesn't know what tea is, poor thing. "It's alright dear one. It's tea, try a sip." He encouraged her. Rose lifted the cup to her lips, taking a small sip. Oh it tasted heavenly. She chugged the whole cup, until it was completely empty. Aziraphale could see how thirsty she was, seeing how fats she was drinking. He chuckled and gently took back the tea from her, setting it to the side on a table. Rose was panting a bit from how fast she changed the tea, a stray drop going down her chin. Aziraphale chuckled at the sight, miracling a napkin. He gently dabbed the napkins around her mouth , cleaning her face up. Rose giggled a bit, since it was quite ticklish. Aziraphale smiled at the sight, setting the napkin to the side as well. Rose's stomach growled, uh oh. She whined and hid her face in her arms, embarrassed. "Someone is quite happy." Aziraphale chuckled out, moving her arms away from her face. Roe nodded sadly. "They don't feed me if get bad results. No water." She said, rubbing at her face. Aziraphale frowned, rubbing her back. "Don't worry dear. You're safe here." He assured her. He miracle some toast with some jam on it, something light and simple. He offered it to her, to see if she would take it. Rose sniffed it, still hesitated. She took it and took a bite, chewing. This one tasted heavenly as well. Rose ate two pieces of toast and got her mouth cleaned up, from the Jam. Aziraphale smiled at seeing how much better she was looking, from drinking the tea and having something to drink. Aziraphale reached over and grabbed a book he had started reading a day or so ago, opening it up. Rose awed and read along with him for a few minutes, until she fell asleep. Aziraphale looked over at Rose's sleeping form, with her head on his arm. It was cute. He smiled an patted her on the head, putting a blanket around her. He looked over at the time to see it was 9:00, quite late. He marked his page in his book and closed it, setting it to the side. He can handle this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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