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Rose woke to the sound of birds chirping, her favorite noise in the mornings. She sat up and realized that she was in bed, a certain someone's bed. She feared the worst as she looked under the covers, but nothing has changed. She gave a huge sigh of relief then proceeded to get out of bed, needing to get back to the bookshop. Turning the door handle quietly, she went into the living room to see Crowley laying on his back, asleep on the couch. He looked peaceful. Rose grabbed a pen and left a note saying she was heading back to the bookshop then put it on the table. She reached over quietly and slipped her boots on so she could leave, but not just yet. Before she left she walked over to Crowley and kneeled down, placing a soft kiss on the top of his head. "Thank You." She whispered then stood, going to the door. She patted her pocket to make sure she had her phone then left, quietly shutting the door. While she was in the elevator on the ride down she couldn't help but blush at the thought of what she just did, maybe what she did was wrong. The elevator doors opened with a ding and she exited out the door, to see the bright sun. Rose walked across the street and began to walk, it will take a little while to get back. While on the way to the bookstore she decided to stop by St. James park, why not. Rose watched the ducks swim around in the pond together, they looked cute. The UK was certainly an interesting place to be, it truly was. She sighed and pushed off the railing she was leaning on to watch the ducks swim, she has to go. The ducks seemed to quack in protest which she understood. "I know you want food but I don't have any. I will bring you some food I promise." She assured them. Rose turned and started to jog towards the bookstore until a strange man stopped her. Rose stopped. "Ma'am do you know where Buckingham palace is?" The strange man asked. Rose nodded "you go down that street then make a few rights." She instructed. The man nodded in thanks. Rose started to jog again until something hit her in the back of the head, causing her to fall. She groaned and turned to see the same guy, a grin on his face. "You will will make a fine addition in hell." He chuckled out. Rose fell unconscious right then and there. When her and the strange man were gone, one thing stayed as evidence. Her phone. When Rose awakened she noticed she was on the floor, cold floor. No fire. She sat up and saw a woman in a chair and the strange guy beside her, what the hell. She stood up and growled towards the two "I demand answers." She growled out, red eyes glowing. Beelzebub snickered. "well, Hastur what do we have here? Quite a spitfire I say." She said from her chair. Hastur agreed. "I say we keep her. She looks strong enough." Hastur replied. Rose looked behind her at the glass, there are more. She was in hell. She shifted and growled at the two, obviously angry. Beelzebub grinned "go one kitty." She said just to get her to get mad. Rose sucked in a breath and went to roar but nothing came out. She started coughing again, causing Hastur to laugh. Rose growled at him, already hating him. "Chain her up." Beelzebub said to Hastur who grinned and walked towards Rose. Rose growled at him and backed away into the wall by the glass window, no where to go. Hastur put chains around her ankles and chained them to the wall so that she wouldn't move, tighter the better. Beelzebub stood and walked over "Just wait until Crowley gets here. He won't be able to do anything but watch you die in front of him." She snickered. Rose growled and leaned up to bite her but the chains held her down and in place. Beelzebub smirked and went back to her seat. Rose growled at the two as she layed down, where was Crowley? Inside his flat Crowley woke to see a note on the table, Rose. He sat up and read the note "Sorry I left. I needed to get back to the bookstore. Thank You for last night though. From Rose. P.S. nice snake tattoo." He read aloud. That feeling was back, the strange one. Crowley shook it away and decided to call Rose, to see if she made it back. He pressed call and waited, straight to voicemail. This was strange. "Maybe She is busy." He mumbled and sat there, waiting. About 10 to 15 minutes passed and his phone rang, Aziraphale. Confused, he picked it up and answered. "Crowley have you seen Rose?" He asked worriedly, he can't help it. "She isn't here. She isn't there yet?" He asked, this was not good at all. "No." Aziraphale replied simply. Crowley began to fear for the worst. "I'll be there soon to get you." Crowley said then hung up the phone. Just as he did, he snapped his fingers. The TV came on. It switched channel to where Hastur stood beside Beelzebub. "Ah Beelzebub what a pleasant surprise." He greeted sarcastically as always. Hastur narrowed his eyes "missing someone?" He asked. Crowley grew still. The screen flickered and there was Rose, laying there. "Rose!" He called out to her, nothing. The screen flickered back to Beelzebub and Hastur. "She can't hear you Crowley. So I suggest you come yourself to see her." Hastur said then the TV shut off. Crowley needs to get her out. He put his sunglasses on his face and proceeded to run outside to the Bentley. He sped down the road going over 70, he doesn't care. He soon reached the bookstore and went in, grabbing Azriaphale. He put him in the Bentley and sped to St. James park. Once there he parked and got out with Aziraphale. "I know where she is." He said as he walked alongside Aziraphale. Azriaphale was a worrying mess, there was no telling where she was. "Where?" He asked shakingly, still worrying. "Hell. Hastur and Beelzebub got her." Crowley said as the two slowed down a bit. Aziraphale shook his head at this. There was a hard crunch and Crowley looked to see Roses phone, on the ground. Crowley kneeled down and picked it up, examining it. There was a few scratches but otherwise it was alright. He stood "She dropped her phone here to let us know she was taken. Smart." He mumbled to himself, putting it in his pocket. Aziraphale nodded and eyed it "indeed. Means she is still fighting." He told his demon friend. Crowley nodded "I need to hurry and get there so I can get her out. Fast." He said as he started to go to his Bentley. Aziraphale rushed after him and stopped him "Crowley. What if your plan doesn't work?" He asked his demon friend, worried about both now. Crowley released a small sigh at the though "then it was nice knowing you. I'll die trying to get her out." He hissed out. Oops. Aziraphale couldn't believe it, he did care. The two got in the Bentley and just sat there, thinking. Aziraphale looked over at Crowley who sat in the drivers seat, he can see his nervousness. "Crowley?" He asked. Crowley looked over at him "Yes?" He asked in return. He just didn't know exactly how he was going to get Rose out. It was going to be impossible. "Do you love her?" He asked his friend. Crowley scoffed at his friends question, why would he even ask that? "No. I am a demon and I do not love anything." He said, looking in front of him. This was a lie. Secretly he had been feeling a strange bond for her, he didn't understand why. Ever since he met her he felt he has this sort of connection to her, it felt so weird. Aziraphale grinned "you do, you lie." He chuckled out. Crowley shook his head "well let's go save the damsel in distress." He said as he started to drive down the road. "You mean your damsel in distress?" Azriaphale teased to him causing him to groan "shut the hell up angel." He responded. Off they went.

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