New Beginnings

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Pain. That is all Rose could feel was pain. She sat there on a bed still clothed while her scar was being stitched back up, staring straight ahead. Who was that man? She would have to ask Aziraphale about him, since he mentioned the word 'Angel' and 'Demon'. The main question was why. Why was he after her? She hasn't done anything wrong. Rose flinched when the nurse put some gauze over the stitches, followed by half of her face being bandaged up, only to see from one side. This was going to be hard. "Miss Rose. you will be discharged and sent home. For the pain you just take ibuprofen and it will clear it right up. Don't remove the bandage or gauze and you must not get it wet whatsoever." The nurse clarified. Rose frowned and nodded, looking down. A feeling of a hand on her shoulder caused her to flinch and look up at the nurse, who offered a friendly smile. "Do you know who did this to you?" She asked Rose, who shook her head. "Well let those stitches close that up. It shouldn't take long dear." The nurse assured her, patting her on the arm. Rose kept her gaze down, so she didn't have to see her red eyes. "I already saw your eyes dear. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." She assured Rose, offering a smile. Rose looked up at her in surprise only to hiss in pain a bit, little to fast. "Come on dear, your boyfriend is waiting outside for you." The nurse said, offering her a hand. Rose hesitated at first since she was skittish and all but took her hand, sliding off the bed. She pulled her hand away while the nurse walked her outside the hospital and to the Bentley, where Crowley was. Crowley was standing there with a that he had miracle, when no one was looking of course. "Well look at this. He brought you Roses." The nurse told Rose, giving a smile. Rose stifled out a giggle as she looked at Crowley, eyeing the Roses. "Get well dear. I will see you in two weeks." The nurse told Rose, turning to leave. Rose turned back to Crowley, biting her lip. He walked up to her and offered the bouquet to her, watching her take it. Rose smelled the Roses, inhaling the scent. They smell wonderful. Crowley took her hand in his and led her to the passenger side door, opening it for her. Rose gave a small sad smile in thanks and carefully got in the passenger seat, getting comfortable. Crowley shut the door and went to the other side, getting in the drivers seat. No words were said while Crowley drove them back to the bookshop, not one. Rose just looked out the window sadly, sadness and pain in her red eyes. Crowley didn't drive fast like he normally would, he was doing this for her. When they arrived back at the bookshop and parked, Rose opened the door and climbed out, going inside with Crowley. "I'm sorry we are most definitely-oh dear you're back!" Aziraphale said happily, rushing to her side. Rose gave Aziraphale a small sad smile while he helped her to the back room, setting her down on the sofa. He retreated momentarily to bring back a cup of warm tea, to help cheer her up. Aziraphale sat at Rose's left while Crowley sat at her right, taking her hand in his. Rose set the Roses down on the table in front of her then slowly reached forward and gently took the cup of tea in her hands, sipping it. "What happened earlier dear? you had looked like you seen a ghost." Aziraphale said, gently taking the cup from her and setting it down on the table. Rose bit her lip as she looked down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs. "A voice in my head, taunting me. Mentioned my parents and the word Archangel. What does that mean?" She asked the two, mainly looking at Aziraphale. This was odd. "Was the voice male or female?" Aziraphale asked, worry lacing his voice. "Male." Rose answered, making Aziraphale tense up a bit. What was it? "but I turned around and a man was standing there, watching me." Rose said, shivering a bit. Aziraphale was more concerned now, having a guess who it is. "What did he look like?" Zira asked, gulping a bit. "Silver suit, violet tie, dark hair, and I believe he had purple eyes." Rose explained, looking to him. Aziraphale sighed heavily and rubbed his face in his hands, groaning a bit. Crowley on the other hand was pissed. "What is it?" Rose asked the two, looking back and forth at the two. Now she was getting worried. Aziraphale turned to Rose and sighed, bracing himself to say it. "The man you are describing is my boss. He is in charge of the forces of heaven. Gabriel is his name." Aziraphale explained, smiling sadly. "Which means he is the one who caused her scar to reopen like that." Crowley butted in, growling in anger. "He mentioned my parents and about visiting them. That they were still alive. That was years and years ago. If my parents find me here then I'll be dragged back to America and put back in that lab." Rose finished, panting. Aziraphale softly shushed her and rubbed her back while Crowley rubbed his thumb across her knuckles, trying to calm her down. "Dear everything will be ok. I promise." Aziraphale assured her, trying to lift her spirits. "But he also mentioned about me loving a demon, which I know is Crowley. But I-I" Rose stuttered, sighing. "Gabriel can kiss my-"Crowley started, earning a playful glare from Aziraphale. "Ass." He finished, Aziraphale facepalming. Rose giggled and covered her mouth as she tried to stop her bits of giggles. That helped. "Thanks you two." Rose giggled out, kissing Crowley's head who nuzzled her head in return. "Don't worry dear. We will make sure nothing happens to you. I assure you on that." Aziraphale assured Rose, gently patting her back. Rose nodded, biting her lip. "If they do come here and I do get taken back, just let me go. I can't hide forever." Rose mumbled sadly. Aziraphale's eyes widened in shock, how dare she say such things. Crowley hissed lowly to himself as he thought on what things he could do to her parents, the types of punishments. "You are staying here with me and Angel. If these bastard of parents come anywhere near you then I will deal with them myself. I am already planning their punishments." Crowley said, smirking a bit. "I will deal with Gabriel. I don't know why he is doing this, but we will get to the bottom of this dear." Aziraphale added on. Rose smiled sadly as she looked down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs. "I love you Crowley, I really do." Rose giggled out, kissing his head again. "I love you more darling. more than you know." Crowley grinned, pecking her lips. Rose giggled and turned to Zira, reaching over and giving him the best hug she could do. Aziraphale put his arms around her gently, rubbing her back. "You're the dad I never had Zira. You're the one that was there for me all those years when I came here, to care for me." Rose mumbled, burying her head into his chest. On the uninjured side of course. Aziraphale smiled at the memory, thinking back to it. "If I had a daughter it would be you, without a doubt. What do you say dear?" He asked, looking down at her. Rose pulled back, in shock. "Are you saying y-you-" She trailed off, loosing her words. Aziraphale nodded "Yes dear. Would you?" He asked. Rose looked to Crowley, who nodded. Rose turned back to Aziraphale and nodded happily, hugging him once more. Aziraphale was happy, since she was now his daughter. He can now protect her more. Rose was trying to not cry, so she doesn't get her wound wet. The two pulled away and collected their bearings. All of a sudden there was a flash of purple causing Rose to groan and grip her head, trying to forget what she saw. Crowley took her hands in his, trying to get her to look at him. "Rose what's wrong? Look at me." Crowley pleaded, taking her face in his hands. Rose looked terrified. "Purple. Flash of purple." Rose whimpered out, hiding her face in his chest. Crowley growled while Aziraphale shook his head with a frown. Why her? Gabriel is a nothing but a bully. 'You will regret what you said young one.' The voice said in her head, soon leaving. "It's back. The voice. It said I will regret what I said, But something worse." Rose said, looking at the two. "What?" The angel and demon asked in sync. Rose took in a breath and exhaled heavily. "They are coming." She huffed out. They knew what that meant. Her parents were coming here to London, to take her back to America. Crowley growled and hugged Rose back to him, hissing in protectiveness. Crowley shifted and right there was a snake, going up her arm and curling around her protectively, nuzzling into her. Rose giggled and patted his head while Aziraphale chuckled at the sight. These two really do know how to make her feel better. One thing started to come back to mind though, her memories.

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