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quick note: It's just the scar in the pic. It is on her right eye.

The next morning came and Rose awakened, stretching herself out. On a table beside the couch was a small tray of breakfast, Aziraphale. Why does he keep doing these things for her? She quickly ate and stood up to go to the front of the store where Aziraphale was always at, she knows how he is. "Azriaphale you didn't have to do that." She giggled out as she sat down in a chair. Azriaphale was currently organizing some books on the shelves, back at their spots. "I know dear. But this did come for you." He said, giving her a small package. Rose took it and opened it to see a black iPhone, why? Roses eyes went wide as she held it in her hands, unable to process words. Aziraphale smiled at this "don't worry, i miracled it. I believe you have a message dear." He chuckled out. Rose unlocked the phone to see the text message was from the demon himself, Crowley. The message read 'Hello Rose, like the phone Aziraphale miracled?', how amusing. Rose bit her lip before happily hugging Aziraphale "Thank you Azriaphale." She said happily. He was like the father she never had, that's all she thought of him. Aziraphale happily hugged her back before releasing her. "You don't have to thank me dear, you deserved it. Now young lady, you have texting to do." He said, shooing her off playfully. Rose giggled and went to the back of the bookshop, sitting on the same couch.She started to type. 'Hello to you too Crowley. Yes I love the phone.' She sent back to Crowley and waited for another receiving text. Her phone vibrated and she looked at the message 'This idea came to mind. Would you like to perhaps, come over for a visit?' She received. This she had to think about, maybe she can. 'Sure. But I don't know where you live.' She sent back in reply. There was a honking noise. Rose raised a brow in confusion as she stood up and put her phone in her pocket, what is it? She looked out the window of the bookshop to see Crowley outside in the Bentley, grinning like a idiot. Rose stuck her tongue out at him playfully before looking to Aziraphale who nodded, to let her leave. Rose happily went outside and got in the passenger seat of the Bentley when he opened it for her from the drivers seat, how nice. Crowley drove off and straight back to his flat, which wasn't far. On the way there he decided to strike up a conversation, the silence was killing him. But somehow couldn't. Rose looked out the window for a moment before looking at the road. Crowley didn't know what to say, he doesn't understand why. It's like he could open his mouth but nothing would come out. The two reached the flat and Crowley hopped out to go to the passenger side door, which he opened for her. Rose bit her lip and got out of the Bentley, feeling shy and embarrassed. "Thank you." She said to him as she started walking towards the door. Crowley just nodded and shut the door before leading her inside and to the elevator which took them up to his floor, the door soon opening. Crowley led her into the fancy living room where he sat down on the couch and patted the spot beside him, it looked inviting. Rose hesitantly walked over and sat down beside him slowly, she seemed nervous. "Darling I don't bite." He teased with a grin before snapping his fingers which caused the TV to turn on, very interesting. Rose bit her lip nervously "so you're a demon huh?" She asked, to lighten the mood better. Crowley hummed and nodded "yes I am. And you are a mutant?" He asked teasingly, just to tease her. Rose giggled at his teasing "yes I am." She giggled out. Crowley chuckled and the two started to watch the TV of whatever was on, like sports. Crowley only wanted to know one thing, one thing only. How did she become like this? He cleared his throat causing her to look at him, here goes nothing. "So, how did you get your powers or technically ability?" He asked, out of curiosity. Rose froze at his question, he hit a nerve. All she did was look down at her hands before slipping her boots off and hugged her knees to her chest, obviously upset. Crowley was confused of what was going on. "Are you alright darling?" He asked , moving her hair out of her face. That's when it came, the tears. They came down her cheeks as she refused to look at him, to not show weakness. Crowley took her chin in his hand to make her look at him, then removing his sunglasses, revealing his yellow slitted eyes. Rose whiped at the makeup that hid her scar (chapter pic. Right eye) so that it was now revealed, might as well. "When I was born, my parents didn't like me. My power came fast and I had to learn on my own of what it was and how to control it." She started , whining her tears away. "They did horrible things to me that no one could understand, even said horrible things. Told me I should have died and burned in hell." She whispered, looking down at her hands. Crowley listened in on this. He knew he was a demon and all but her parents deserved to be escorted to hell personally and tortured, by him. He blinked once. "I don't know what to say." He muttered as he eyed her scar, anger boiling. Rose glanced over at him "You don't have to. I understand. I can't roar or anything, I'm not good at anything." She muttered as she got up and went to the Window, it was about to rain. Crowley stood up and walked over, watching the outside world. "You are more than you think you are. Your roar will come soon, I know it." He assured her. Rose looked up at him, staring at his yellow slitted eyes. She has never seen eyes like his before but they were beautiful, to her anyway. Crowley can feel her staring at him, he just knows it. "Like what you see darling?" He asked in teasingly as he looked over at her, this was so amusing to him. Rose blushed and looked back in front of herself to try and clear her head. "didn't mean to." She said shyly, she really didn't mean to. Crowley chuckled "your eyes aren't bad yourself." He teased more, amusing her to blush more. The two stood there in silence for a while, watching the outside world. "Well I guess I better get on back to the bookshop." Rose said as she started to go and put her boots on, until a hand grabbed her arm. Crowley's hand. Rose turned her head and looked at him "what?" She asked, confused by by his action. Crowley motioned to the window, rain. With a groan, Rose sat down on the couch. "Great it decides to rain. Now what?" Rose mumbled to herself, this was not good. Crowley chuckled at her behavior as he went and sat beside her, it was already getting late. "It is suppose to rain all night. You can stay the night if you want." He offered, this once. Rose sighed and nodded "just for tonight and no funny business." She warned. Crowley grinned "sure. You're the boss." He teased again. Rose groaned at the teasing and pulled out her phone, to call Aziraphale. He answered fast. "Oh dear, where are you?" Azriaphale asked hurriedly, also being worried. "I'm ok Aziraphale. I'm staying the night at Crowley's, he didn't want me to go back in the rain." Rose said as she leaned back into the couch. Aziraphale sighed in relief when he heard that she was ok, thank god. "Ok. I will see you in the morning." He said then the two hung up. Rose put her phone back in her pocket and sighed, in thought. Her stomach growled. Crowley chuckled "I suppose we shall order food?" He teased. That damn teasing! Rose nodded "Chinese?" She offered, doesn't really matter. Crowley nodded "sounds good to me." He said as he dialed in the number. The food took about 10 minutes to get there, not to long. They ate while watching TV, and having a decent conversation. When they were done and their food was thrown away, Rose was on the couch, asleep. Crowley grinned and picked her up, to take her to the bed. He can sleep on the couch. He carried Rise into the bedroom and pulled back the covers, to put her down. He gently set her down and draped the covers over her, so she wouldn't get cold. He snapped his fingers as he went to the door which made the lights turn off, leaving the room dark. As he left he quietly shut the door then sat down on the couch in the living room, watching TV. So far there was nothing good. Crowley snapped his fingers causing the TV to shut off, finally. "Why am I even doing this? I'm a demon. Shouldn't even be talking to her." He muttered to himself. Oh well. He slipped his boots off and moved himself to a laying position, to get more comfortable. "Why am "I feeling this? It needs to go away." He muttered as his eyes dropped shut, asleep. Meanwhile down in hell, two demons are planning. Hastur and Beelzebub. Beelzebub sat in her chair or throne, thinking. Hastur on the other hand was furious. "He is disobeying the law. We need to do something about this." Hastur told Beelzebub, seriousness in him. Beelzebub slowly nodded "you get the girl. Bring her here. Then Crowley will wonder where his little human friend has gone." She said, looking at Hastur. "Then we will kill her in front of him. Go now." She ordered. Hastur nodded "it will be done at once." He said as he left to do his duties.

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