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-Dean's POV/After match at Fastlane against Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley, and Drew McIntyre/ 2019-

"What a match." I heard Seth exclaim, rubbing the back of his neck. I mean..... he did get End Of Days'd(Just pretend that's what happened, idk if it did) so yeah.

"Yeah, I'm just glad it's over" Roman said sheepishly.

"Yeah." Seth answered, I could tell he was blushing as we walked down the hallway to our locker room. Then, I saw Sasha, Natalya, Bayley, Ronda, and Braun standing at the side.

"Umm.... guys, I'll catch up with you guys at the car." I say. They stop and look back at me.

"You sure?" They ask in unison.

"Yeah, I'll catch up." I answer.

"Okay, suit yourself." Seth says and they walk away.

"So.... did they say anything?" Sasha asked.

"No, nothing. As far as I know, nobody knows anything about the other's feelings." I answer.

"Ugh....." Natalya whines.

"Yeah, I know. We need to set them up.... somehow." I hear Braun say.

"Can I be honest?" Naomi asks. We all silently nod. "It's kinda weird that a big, strong guy like Braun is into this." She jokes. We all snicker and Braun just smiles.

"Hey, have you guys seen Randy?" I ask, hoping they knew.

"Yeah, I think he left already. He said he was really tired and he was sorry he couldn't wait for you." Bayley said. I nodded.

"Well, we should get to the plan." Ronda said. We all looked at her, confused.

"What plan?" We all asked in unison.

"Oh my gosh, you guys can't keep a thought in your head for five minutes, can you?" She jokes. We all get even more confused. She realized we were still confused and sighed a deep sigh. "The plan to set Roman and Seth up...... The blind date." She said.

"Ohhhh...." We all say.

"Yeah, how are we going to execute that?" Naomi asks.

"Well, we all happen to have two lovebirds as bosses. Stephanie and Triple H are so cheesy together, but they know how to set up a good blind date. That's how Randy and I met." I acknowledge. They all agree. "So..... here's the plan."

-Seth's POV/In the locker room/alone with Roman-

"Roman, can you toss me that shirt?" I ask from the other side of the room. He nods, grabs my shirt that was lazily thrown onto the bench and tosses it to me. I catch it and put it on. "Thanks, Ro." I say sheepishly.

"No problem, Seth." He says as he continues to gather his stuff and pack up.

"Roman?" I ask. He stops and looks up at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah...??" He asks, confused.

"Are you okay? You haven't been yourself lately." I acknowledge. He takes a deep breath and nods.

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's just..... I have been a bit stressed out lately." He answers.

"Why?" I ask as I sit down on the couch and pat the cushion next to me so that he can come sit down. He comes over and sits next to me while enjoying the comfort of the soft cushions in the couch.

"Well, the day that I left in October, I came went home to find that my wife had been cheating on my with another guy, but when I found that out, I also found out that she had divorced me that day." (Just to let you guys now, I have nothing against Galina Becker and neither does ajones1998, it's just a story) "It was all because she just wanted me for the money and since I wasn't wrestling every night, I was getting paid as much as before. So, she left." He explained to me with tears in his eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder as some type of comfort.

"I'm sorry, Ro. I didn't know that." I say sympathetically, tears nearly falling down my own face.

"Yeah. Then, to add stress on top of stress, she burned all of my stuff and took the car. So, I stayed with Dwayne(The Rock) until I was able to come back. When I was able to come back, they told me about my storyline with Drew and the whole Wrestlemania thing and stuff that I wasn't prepared for." He continued. "Then, I teamed with you guys again, which was great by the way, and yeah....." Roman finished.

"Roman, I can't say this enough, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. You don't deserve that." I say, tears finally streaming down my face.

"Yeah...." He starts. "What about you?" He asks. I look up at him, not knowing what he meant.

"What do you mean?" I ask. He opens his mouth to answer, but instead of words coming out, Dean walks through the door.

"Did I interrupt something?" He asks. We look at each other and shake our heads before getting up and grabbing out bags. "You guys sure?" Dean asks.

"Yes, Dean." We say in unison with a bit of an irritated tone in our voices.

"Okay." Dean says awkwardly. "Well..... let's go." He says. We both shake our head in amusement with smiles on our faces, bags on our shoulders, and our injuries. We walk out the door and head to the car. I guess Roman will never know......

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