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-Seth's POV-

We had just finished the game of Spin The Bottle and I was so drunk, I could barely stand. Roman started to walk over to me, when somebody else stepped in front of him, blocking him. It was Chris Jericho. Jericho and I are pretty cool, but sometimes, he gets out of hand. Maybe he has a "lil too much bubbly". I caught a glimpse of Roman and he seemed upset. He eventually walked off, disappointed. It made my heart dropped.

"Hey Seth." Chris said. I looked up at him and put on a small smile.

"Hey Chris, what's up?" I asked, still pretty drunk.

"Not too much, umm, can we talk? Someplace private?" He asked. I hesitated, knowing my feelings for Roman.

"Sure." I said. A little optimism won't hurt, will it? He pulled me to my feet and hung on to my hand before we walked off. For some reason, I held onto his hand like it was something we had done before. He took me through the ground and up the stairs, but I made eye contact with Roman. He looked hurt, emotionally hurt. I mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to him, but he just walked off.

-Roman's POV-

When I saw Seth walk off with Chris, I thought that maybe I messed up. Maybe he was taken. Yes, I was drunk, but it still hurts. I walked off and went directly to Dean. I tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped.

"Whoa, buddy! You scared me!" He exclaimed drunkily. As I stood there, My vision blurred and I got dizzy. I leaned onto Dean and he caught me. "Are you alright?" He asked as he held onto me. "You don't look to good, buddy..." He admitted. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, probably just super drunk... nothing too bad." I said. He agreed.

"So, what do you need, man?" He asked.

"Meet me upstairs in 2 minutes." I said before grabbing another red cup, full of Hennessy.

"Okay." He said. I began sipping out of the cup as I stumbled away. Eventually, I ran into Sasha.

"Hey bro, you don't look too good, you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said stubbornly as I walked away. I made my way up the stairs, when I heard yelling. It was coming from upstairs. As I stumbled up, the yelling got louder and there was cussing. For all I know, Jericho could be fucking Seth. Then, I heard Jericho's voice arguing. Well, at least they're not screwing each other. I began walking passed the room, when Seth came storming out, crying. "Seth, what's wrong? What happened?" I asked frantically, trying to stop him from walking away, but he pushed me away.

"Go away, Roman!" He shouted. I grabbed his hand, soft enough to the point where it didn't hurt him.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." I growled at him. He looked me in the eyes and continued to cry.

"You. This whole thing. It's wrong. We shouldn't be together, now or in the future." He said before pushing his way passed me and going down the stairs. Whatever Chris said to him, he'll pay for it.

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