Our something Spectacular

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Read this.... I hope you've already found it. That something spectacular.
Lives tend to be messy
We may be happy, but it isn't easy
Minds are filled with fear
Our paths isn't clear

We seek for the answers,
Seeking like it'll take forever
Waiting to have our longest slumber,
For rest is what we're after

Rest, for all those tiring days
Those tormenting, and sleepless nights
We can't find the best way
To stop this endless fights

Now, we've gone so far
Fpund things so peculiar
We might not know it in particular
But we know it's our something spectacular

That something spectacular? Stop making fuss
It's just in between of us
Just don't let them split
Someday you'll find it.

Something spectacular? Hmmmmmmm.... For me that is that something in our circle of friends that I couldn't find in anyone else. For you, what is your something spectacular?

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