I (re-edit)

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Trust me, I wanted a normal life but nothing normal ever happens when you're like me. My name is Bianca Marie Solangelo, if you were wondering. And I, am an odd case, to say the least. I was born in Texas with my father there, well one of them. My mother was bad. She became an addict and an alcoholic after her husband died. That was 10 years before I was born. When my Dads were only 10 and 11. Let's go past those ten years to when my dads were 20 and 21. They were living their perfect lives, or as perfect as you can get, in Half-Blood City. Ah, Half-Blood City. A place for Greek demigods to settle down and have a family of their own. A place to try to lead a somewhat normal life. But then, things took a turn for the worse. My dad, Will Solace, had received a call from his mother saying she was pregnant and going to have the child soon. My Dad and Papa, well they got there as soon as they could, but it was too late. By the time that they got there, there were two crying babies in the house and a passed-out woman on the couch. The other one was my twin brother, Lee Michael. They call him Solangelo though. We were taken away from her immediately due to the fact that well, she wasn't fit to be a mother. And pretty soon, we were back in New York and going to camp. It was pretty rare for a baby to be at camp at that time, but there I was, with my dad's siblings. Fast forward 10 or so years and I was claimed by Apollo making one of my Dads my full brother. Now, back to the present day. I am 14, I live in Boston with my dads during the school year but, in the summer I live at a camp for kids like me. For kids hopefully not like you. The camp -  Camp Half-Blood a.k.a. one of the only safe spots in the world for people like me.


So I'm going to eventually update but school started and ya bear with me 

(295 words)


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