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I go back to the infirmary just to check that no extra help is needed and to tell them about the claiming.

"Hey Ruby," I say as I enter and I walk over to her, "We got a new sister."

"Really? Who?"

"A new girl named Cass, who looks around 10ish, and I think I may have scared her,"

"How so?"

"Do you see how I look right now? And shes already met Kendall, Jax, and Alex,"

"And this is the infirmary. Our cabin normally spends a lot of time in here as healers, and this is Ruby, the last co-counselor of the cabin."

"Hey, I'm Ruby. If you have any questions or need anything, don't ever hesitate to ask." Ruby adds and I leave to go to the Hermes cabin to pick up her stuff, if she has anything, to move it to my cabin. I'm about to step to the door but first, I look around, checking for any possible pranks. None. Wow, that's a first. I knock on the door and Owen opens it almost immediately. 

"I just need to get Cass' stuff if that's not a problem," I say and he lets he come in. 

"It's all in the corner over there." He tells me and I go to take it to see a full ass snake in her stuff.

"Um, I don't mean to scare anyone but there's a snake in her bag," Everyone looks up at that comment. Some run out of the cabin. "Oh my gods, get a bucket already. It's not poisonous,"

Owen grabs the bucket from the corner and throws it at me. I simply scoop up the snake and throw it out into the woods.

"See, not that hard,"

"Easy for you to say after living here for almost 16 years," I roll my eyes and leave with her stuff. I place them on the empty bed in my cabin and walk to the archery range to clear my head and just sit there thinking.

"Thought I'd find you here," I hear my dad say

"Oh, hey"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm perfectly fine, why do you ask?"

"No your not B, I know you,"

"Fine, do you think I'm a bad counselor and be honest,"

"No, I don't. (this is the point where sleep-deprived me wrote yes, yes I do, back to the book) Why would you think that?"

"I just feel like I'm not doing enough. I can't even give a simple(i wrote simp. wowww) tour for gods' sake,"

"Hey, you're one of the best counselors I've seen for our cabin. And that says something. And for the tour, you paired her with someone who would get along with her better, not because you can't. Remember that."

"Yeah, yeah,"

"I also saw how your eyes lit up when she was claimed. That shows how much you love her. And you're trying your best to handle our hot mess of a cabin. Definitely way better than when I was first assigned that job. Now go. If Jax finds you here now, he might kill you,"

"Thanks, and I think he'll lose his mind if he has to redo these stitches another time," 

I walk out and he yells bye to me as I leave. when I'm walking back, I take my time, going to the beach then the stables for a little bit. I end up having to run back to my cabin so I don't get eaten by the harpies. I get inside and immidetly get questioned by Andi.

"Where were you?"

"On a walk,"

"Why are you out of breath then?"

"I didn't want to get eaten so I kinda had to run back,"

"Makes sense but this is why I question your sanity," She tells me and the door flies open. 

"We need anyone we can have in the infirmary in there like right now!"Kendall yells and we all run back with her. I pull my hair into a messy bun as she fills me in on what's happening. 

"There was a fight and multiple cabins got involved and the huntresses." Oh, gods, this is gonna be bad "Take the worse injuries with Jax and I right now.  The others will get the rest." I work for a solid 3 hours before being called into a room to help out Jax on one of his patients for another few hours before they are stable. 

I leave the room and see Lee outside the room. I start to sway back and forth and almost fall but he catches me and leads me to a seat. Pain flairs up in my side when I try to stand and black spots dance in my vision. 

"Woah there," He says but I get up and pass out as soon as I do. 


Hey guys so yeah I actually updated and like sorry for just not doing that for the last 2 weeks but field hockey season ends on Thursday *silently cries*, so I can update for like a solid week and a half before Tech Crew for drama starts up. Also just have to mention snat2006 for always voting literally as soon as I post a new chapter.

Thank you for reading

-elise (872 words) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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