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My eyes weigh down as I walk to the training arena for archery class. Snowglobe like snow falls on the ground missing the strawberry fields. It melts as it hits my face. I enter the arena and go straight to the stands knowing not to practice after staying up all night. El comes up to the stands with a steaming drink. 

"1/3 coffee, 1/3 hot coca, and 1/3 milk," she says and hands the drink to me. I take one sip before I run down the stairs, with my hand over my mouth to a trash can. I lean over just in time and throw up in it. I throw up again but this time there's blood. I curse, hoping nobody will be able to notice but someone from my cabin comes over to me.

"Come on, we should get you to the Infirmary," I hear Jax say. I shake my head as I throw up again. "Or maybe wait a minute."

I sit down getting dizzy all of a sudden. I blank out and I know he is talking to me but I can't hear him.

"B," He says lightly shaking my shoulder, "Can you hear me?"

I nod

"Do you think you can walk?"

I shake my head

"Ok then, I'm carrying you, you need to go there is blood in that. Wait, SCHIST there's blood in that. We need some help over here!" He yells over at the group. Chiron stops teaching and comes over to us along with a few of my other siblings. "She's throwing up with some blood and can't walk." 

"Get her onto my back and we are going to need your help." I am half-aware of being lifted onto his back and laid down. I see the camp blur around me. I start to lose consciousness and my eyes fall closed. 

Of course, I can't even catch a break when I'm sick, so I am sent into dreams. Now you know my dreams are never peaceful so why would this one be. I am back in my mom's house. Of course, it had to be her, it's always her most of the time. I hear her enter the house and try to run and hide but I am stuck in place. She comes towards me staggering and I can tell that she's been drinking and I brace myself. 

Trigger Warning: Abuse

"You know you were only left here because you are unwanted wherever you go." Punch "You are hated wherever you go" Punch "Nobody would even care if you died" Punch and wow harsh much "Waste of space" Punch. Soon my family and friends show up and start to lagh as she beats me. This continues until I faintly hear my name being called. Her house melts away and my eyes open to see Nico shaking my awake. Panic takes over and I start to hyperventilate. Tears stream down my face and I curl up in a ball. 

"Hey Its okay you're not there anymore. Math your breathing with mine okay. In and out, In and out." This continues for a few minutes until I start to calm down then he holds me close whispering affermations that Im okay even though I cant really understand him. I calm down and back away still crying.

"Do you want to talk about it? It helps," He asks me

"Sh-she called me worth-worthless and told me ho-how nobody w-would care if I- if I died and that I am a waste of space and-and" I say inbetween sobs

"You don't need to keep talking about it if you don't want to."

"No I-I do. She- she beat me up as- as she said that stuff and- and you and dad were there and my friends and all everyone- all everyone did was laugh at- at me. And it felt so real and it hurt, it hurt so much." He hugs me and doesn't let go

"Shhhh" he whispers in my ear "It's okay B. You're not there anymore and that's what matters. I would never just stand there and laugh at you and neither would your dad and neither would anyone else, you're okay. Everything's gonna be fine." We stay like this until I stop crying.   "Can you please try to sleep, you need it." I nod my head and try to fall asleep.


hey Im actually getting into an update schedule so yay 

Have a good day or night or whatever it is where you are.

You know the drill vote comment follow ya


- elise

(756 words)

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