17 1 0

I open my eyes and am blinded by the light coming from above me. I instinctively blink rapidly before hiding under my sheets. Once my eyes adjust to the light I get out of the sheets and try to sit up but fail due to a tight bandage wrapped around my stomach. A pain pulses in my side as I roll over to face one of the two chairs on either side of me and see Will sitting next to me in the chair.

"How do you feel and don't say that you're fine, you have a metal rod in your bandage."

"It hurts really bad and wow is this supposed to be this tight?"

"Yes, it is." He responds "Also the horn just sounded for lunch, do you want anything?"

"Just some toast I'm not that hungry. Wait a minute lunch?"

"Yeah, you slept through the whole first half of the day. I just need to get someone to watch you to make sure you don't go anywhere."

"Okay then go," I tell him and he leaves and I see Lee walk in. "You know that you don't really need to be here now right,"

"I was sent in here to keep you from leaving by Dad and I am not getting in trouble."

"You have to be kidding me, he was sirius."

"Well, you do have a track record."

"I can take care of myself."

"I'm not doing this by choice."

"I can tell"


"Well bye"


"Watch me"



"And that is how I know that I am doing my job correctly"

"Can you at least help me sit up?"

"Fine" He grumbles and lifts my back up and adjusts the pillows then lets go of me.

"Thanks, and why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I almost lost you when we were 5 and you fell off the top of the lava wall. Then again when you had to spend the school year at the devil's house. Then again a few days ago when you almost bled out. All those times I thought I was going to lose or thought I had lost my other half. Hades, I don't know what I would do if actually happens for once. You're my twin sister B, I can't lose you alright."

"Wow, I had no idea"

"Guess I'm just good at hiding it considering nobody ever notices."

"Hey listen, I'm never gonna leave you for good. Okay. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you no matter what, even if it's an unreasonably late and you just need someone to talk to. And, if it will make you feel better, I will try to get into less near-death situations but no promises."

"You have like an obsession with those. It's like every 5 seconds you almost die."

"I know." We joke and Will comes in with food.

"Okay so toast for B, and a blueberry smoothie for Lee," He says handing us the food 

"Thanks, Dad," We say and eat or drink our food. Lee leaves the room once he finishes, getting back to work. I drink the glass of nectar on the table and fall asleep. 

When I wake up, the sun is already setting across the sky. I groggily look out the window at the cabin I call home, longing to be in my own bed. A warm hand holds my cold one and rubs circles into the back of it. 

"I have to get Kay, alright?" He asks and I weakly nod my head and he leaves the room. I lay there staring at the ceiling not really thinking about anything. The door squeaks closed and Luke sits down next to me again and takes my hand.

"B, I need you to turn over so I can see the stitches. Is that alright?" Kay asks calmly and I nod. He turns me over so I'm laying on my good side and so he has access to my side and unwraps the bandage. He pulls away the gauze and examens my side. 

"Just tell me if it hurts." He says and places his fingers a little to the left of the cut and I wince at the touch. He takes his hand away and the pain subsides to a dull throbbing. "Do you want anything to eat?"

"No," I tell him and he leaves the room. 

"You look dead on your feet. Do you want me to leave so you can sleep?" He asks but my eyes are already drooping. I am faintly aware of him grabbing his skateboard and leaving and Obsidian coming in and jumping onto the bed before I fall asleep.


hey, so I hope you are having a great day. 

Um so longer update today. I might do a double but don't get your hopes up. Also, enjoy this part of the book before it goes to hell.


(844 words) 

Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Next Generation: Bianca SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now