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And with that, she takes off the bloody bandages and replaces them. The cut already has started to scab over, willing itself to scar as it does. Dani hands me the coffee and drinks her Fanta. I slowly sip the hot coffee and check my phone to see a text from Luke. 

Luke<3: haven't been able 2 see u all day

Luke<3: how u feeling

I start to text him back saying that I'm and to not worry about me but I get interrupted when Beck and El walk into the cabin acting like idiots as usual. 

"Why are you not in class?" I ask disapprovingly

"It's fine. Cal marked us as there and let us leave to see you." Beck tells me as she looks over my shoulder "Wait what what whaaaaa"

"What's wrong?" El asks from the corner

"B is texting our dear brother. And it looks like they're dating."

"Oh, my gods what? I wanna see!" she hurries over and takes my phone

"Wow B, I thought my brother had the emotional range of a teaspoon, but this proves me wrong. Are we sure you're not texting an alien?"

"I'm leaving now," Dani announces to the group and leaves the cabin knowing that she will be awkward if she stays

"Are you two dating?" Beck asks me 

"We are NOT dating. He just helped me through some stuff."

"Oh yeah, that stuff," El states "But are you dating?"


"Are you?"


"Are you?"


"Are you?"


"Are you?"

"Fine yes we are, you two happy now?"

"I think operation Lucia is a go,"

"You're joking right, please tell me that you are joking"

"Nope." Before I can respond there is a knock on the cabin door

"IT'S ALWAYS OPEN" I yell (get the reference?) and go to the door and it slowly opens. The person on the other side is none other than my dork Luke Jackson. He pulls me into a hug. His blonde hair is soft on the tøp of my head. We separate slowly from each other. 

"I missed you so much B," Luke whispers in my ear

"I missed you too," We leave the doorway and he comes in the cabin. We sit on my bed and there is an awkward silence in the cabin. 

"So are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend or do we have to ourselves?" Beck jokes, making us blush.

"Everyone here knows me, Beck," The conch horn sound signaling dinner. I throw on a sweatshirt, chug the rest of my coffee, and head to dinner with my cabin. I sit down at my table after burning a slice of pizza. 

"Where's Lee?" I ask my cabin

"Working," Laura replies "Like he has been for the past two days."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, and he hasn't taken any breaks," Jax tells me as I finish eating

"Ok, that's it. I'm taking his place for the night so he can sleep and eat for once." I say and go to the infirmary and enter the break room to see Lee getting some coffee. 

"Out," I tell him knowing he's going to put up a fight. 

"No. I'm staying right here."

"Lee you need to eat and sleep. I'll cover for you. Just please get some sleep," I plead


"Lee Micheal Solangelo, this is not healthy! How do you expect to take care of others when you don't even take care of yourself?! You've been skipping meals for the past two days and can't survive on only coffee! You look like you're going to pass out for gods' sake!"

"Lee, go back to your cabin, then go to sleep on your bed." Elena charmspeaks him into doing from the doorway

"It's a good thing you like to help out here or we would have had a massive problem on our hands."

"That was to be expected. He was and is worried about you B and this is how he deals with it." She tells me as I pour a massive cup of coffee knowing it's going to be a long night


Look this is a rare species called an update from me.

Thanks for reading and please comment. I love talking to you guys.


(690 words) 

Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Next Generation: Bianca SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now