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it's three a.m.

hyunjin, chan, and i are drunk as hell.

i don't even want to tell the whole story.

long story short, chan invited us to his house
and we only drank one glass.

i mean i tried, but then i drank some more because of a stupid drinking game that chan borrowed from his cousin.

but i could still walk and all that stuff.

chan was a little lost.

and hyunjin was completely wasted.

"baaabyyy seungmiiiinie."

he said and couldn't stop giggling and hugging me. he usually gets clingy while drunk.

after that we played truth or date and it was chan who went first.

"hyunjin, truth or dare?"

"uhhmm... dare."

"i bet you won't make out with seungmin for 3 minutes straight."

i couldn't even say anything and he already climbed on my lap and started kissing me.

after a few seconds, i adjusted to him.

his kissing style was rough and he used his tongue a lot.


yelled chan, making me smile through the kiss.

i felt my bulge grow, but i didn't do anything about it.

i thought it would turn hyunjin off, but i think he was too drunk to notice anything. at least i hope he was.

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