Heart beat

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Uraraka laughed at my joke before walking down the roof's stairs and heading back to the classroom,"Hahaha nice one Deku I wasn't expecting that!" Her warm and cheerful demeanor helped me let relax a bit and gosh I needed that. I've been staying up so late trying to finish homework, train, and find my mom but I don't know how much longer I can keep going. It's like this I can feel my body weighting down and I know I should take better care of myself and all but I don't have time so I do this over and over and over but hey I've yet to collapse in front of everyone so how bad can it really be? I noticed the little remainder of jasmine scent in the air and my thoughts drifted back to my mother.

We have a small jasmine flowers by where Kaccan and I live and my mom used to tell us stories under there. Kaccan and I would play afterwards dragging my mom onto crazy pirate filled adventures. I chuckle at the memory, we were so silly together and all had so much fun. Then, I remembered that she's gone. She might never come back. She was the only one who loved me through thick and thin but I guess I'm on my own now. Not forever though..hopefully. No! Definitely not forever I will find her. Whatever it takes. Might as well head to class now, lunch break is just about over.

Class consisted of looking over past techniques incredible heroes used and it was so cool!!! All of the stories excited me enough for my adrenaline to kick in and keep me engaged during the entire class period. I hadn't been able to feel like that lately. My wound from a while ago isn't life threatening but it hurts a bunch. Every time I have to carry my backpack I move in just the wrong way that sends a burning pain straight through my body. (Straight haha)

(Time skip to lunch the next day)
I have lunchtime all to myself today, Iida's helping the mechanic girl, Mei Hatsume with some of her designs. They had a really rough start after Hatsume used him but now they're actually pretty good friends. Uraraka, on the other hand, is having lunch with her parents who came to visit. Now I can finally rest a bit. I lay back against the hard roof and begin to drift away despite the discomfort. I feel the wind blow in my hair, the warmth of the sun on my chest, and the sweet smell of jasmine filling my lungs.  My sandwich lays uneaten in it's plastic wrapping but I don't care sleep is what I need most right now.

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