Finding the Notes

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The day continued on as it normally would have, Ochacho had no trouble in getting her observant friend to notice the note Mina had written. Deku discovered it in his journal during lunch. Mina had originally just placed the note in his locker but Uraraka later realized that Deku wouldn't check his locker again until the end of the day .By then it could be too late so the small girl took matters into her own hands. Uraraka sneaked over to Deku's locker after visiting the water fountain and opened it. Even though she knew the code, Deku had forgotten to lock it in his hurry to get to class. Uraraka found it and placed the note in her pocket, she kept it hidden until she could slip it into his journal. His journal was covered in strategies and notes about other heroes and their abilities. It was actually really cool in her opinion but she was a bit biased, he was one of her best friends after all.

Bakugo on the other hand refused to look at the note. He glanced at it-saw Deku's handwriting and crumbled it up. Mina noticed this and kept putting it back in places he would find it. Heck she even put it in on his sandwich while he was making it, at one point. Bakugo had gotten so aggravated he blew it up several times before eventually reading the 17th copy of the note. He rose an eyebrow before he shook his head and destroyed the paper with a flick of his wrist. He tried to hide a smirk as he did so, but the one person that knew what he had read noticed and Mina could not wait to tell Uraraka! Their plan's set up was going to work, now it was just up to the two boys.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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