The sky is falling(pls get reference 😬😂)

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Broccoli Cinnamon-roll POV (okay ew that sounds gross lol)
"HEY WATCH IT!!!" A booming voice shouted. I flinch and my eyes fly open just in time to see Kaccan hit a baseball out of motion with his forearm. It was coming right for me...but we're on the roof?!?! I look up from where the ball dropped to see a younger class-men in the tree on a branch almost above me holding a baseball bat while his buddy clung to the trunk of the tree. "Sorry about that," the purple haired boy mumbled as he met my still-shocked face. "You 1-A scum think you're above all else! Just you wait you—" a giant hand graps the blonde boy covering his mouth. If I hadn't been suprised before I definitely was now. The hand belonged to a orange headed girl at the base of the tree who I was a little surprised that I didn't see before. She apologized to us, I assured her that it was alright and reached for the baseball to return to them only to have it kicked out of my grasp by Kaccan. "Tch idiot." He chuckled as he strode away. My face flushed all kinds of colors in that moment I had been caught verrrry unaware in front of Kaccan of all people...I'm never going to live this down am I? I return the ball to the three buddies, open the roof door, and start heading down the stairs in search of Kaccan. Why am I looking for him? Uhh that a good question that I um that I dont know... What am I doing just go up to him and say thank you? I'll get punched in the face.. but still I'm thankful and I need to show him that.... locker!!!! Thats what I'll do I'll leave sweet little uplifting notes in his locker!!!! That's a perfect idea that way I can brighten up his day without him realizing that it's me and getting mad!!!!! "Deku are you alright you were muttering again," a kind voice asked.I gasp as I realize for the first time that I'm meandering around the halls. "Oh h-," I tried to speak but was outta breath so I take a quick breath and respond cheerfully, "Hi Uraraka I'm doing alright thank you, how was your lunch?" She smiles and links arms with me as we head off to class together.

Blasty Boi POV
"Tch what a nerd!" I turn away before he can recognize my dumb smile and leave the roof. I was dumb enough to go up there in the first place. Sure I wanted to talk to Deku about all the stuff that dumb hag told me about... but he looked relaxed for the first time in months. Even before the whole incident something seemed off. It's not that I want him to be okay its that..okay maybe it's that but I just don't want anything bad to happen to anybody..that I know...and care about..enough to want to protect.. okay so maybe I care about him whatever. I slide my locker open and lift up the books I need for the next class. And of course when I turn around there's that dumb nerd with round face. They've gotten awfully close that bugs me, they're so annoying together. So damn annoying always hanging out and laughing ugh it makes me sick. Round face isnt that bad-I don't hate her but sometimes she really gets on my nerves.

Narrator POV
Bakugo grunts in anger ad he slams his locker closed and storms off to class. Unbeknownst to him, Mina and Uraraka noticed his reaction and share a sly look. Deku continues his story as Mina throws Uraraka a knowing smile and a wink before walking into class.

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