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At night, we experienced shooting stars it was beautiful. We sat by the pond, a bit far from my tent. The water glowed under the moonlight.

Fireflies decorated the water with their beautiful lights making the water glow.

I don't know why but the water feels magical after I swam in it gaining the necklace.

What does this necklace even do? I thought to myself. Why did it choose me. Speaking of it I tried removing it this morning but it didn't remove it rather reacted to my touch.

Its only me master that can remove  it master. A voice said from behind me startling me. Did I scare you master?And where are you?Everywhere only that I can be only seen by you.

I turn my head to see him leaning by a tree behind me. To say he wasn't handsome was an understatement, he was a beauty.

He had white hair, blue eyes, squared jaw, thick eyebrows and was muscular. He would be about 6 feet tall.

And what are you doing here I asked annoyed. To watch over my careless master. Did you just call me careless? Yes  and what can you do? What can I do huh, what I need to do is to shut that smart mouth of yours and stop pestering me with master this master that. I snapped at him.

I turn my attention to the camp fire activity. Lucas sat by me then his annoying brother joined.

"Why is her highness frowning, it'll ruin her perfect face." Lucas teased.

"Can you stop with the her Highness thing." I said to them rolling my eyes.

"Ok If you say so your highness." Lucian continued. Now that's the last straw.

I froze his ass making him scream and gaining everyone's attention including our teachers attention as well.

"The three of you up now!" Mr parker yelled.

We stood up reluctantly. "I can see you all have something you want to share to all of us here, right?" Mr parker said.

We kept quiet. "Why can't you talk again?"

" Now go and get more sticks  for the fire."

"But there are some creatures in the woods." Lucas whined.

"Oh really I don't care now go and find some no complaints."

We reluctantly walked into the dangerous yet strange woods picking sticks.

We didn't realise we were deep in the woods until we heard an owl hooting.

"Guys I think we are deep enough." I said.

Suddenly we heard a twig snap and in came a deep growl.

I saw red eyes watch us from the darker part of the forest.

"We have to run." I said worried. " I agree with her." Lucas said.

As we were about to run it jumped in front of us blocking our way of escape.

We walked backward and another one jumped behind us.

"We are doomed." Lucian whined.
"Can you shut the fuck up." Lucas scolded him.

"Aren't they werewolves?" Lucas asked.
"I don't think so." I said.

Before our eyes a man with familiar white hair snapped his fingers and they froze the wolves and he snapped his fingers twice and they disappeared.

"What did I tell you Eclipstar?" He said. How did he even know my name. I thought.

"Do you know this guy?" The twins asked me.

"Well I don't know him." I lied to which he chuckled at my silly move.

I take it that you are deliberately ignoring me Master. I'm not your master I spoke through the mindlink.

"Well she is my girlfriend." He lied smoothly. Wow he needs acting as a proffession.

"He's not being honest guys, am not his girlfriend and I'll never be his girlfriend" I said annoyed that he managed to lie to them.

"Girl, the guy is a beauty go for it girl." They teased me.

"garçons stupides"(stupid boys) I said to them."Hey we heard what you said." they said

"Well it was meant for you to hear." I said.

"Where is misty?"  I asked." She's in your boyfriend's arms." the twins teased me.

"I told you several time he is not my boyfriend. He is my.."

"Let's go to camp." I drag them by their ears to camp.

"Take these sticks to that teacher am going to get misty from him."I said.

"Look I don't know who you are and what you wmat you better leave me alone." I crossed my hand on my chest.

"I can't blame you master, we are bonded till eternity and I'll help you in your journey until the journey is completed, I'm stuck with you master." He said.

I took misty from his  embrace."we'll see about that." I said.

"See you very soon master,I'll be watching you."he said before vanishing into thin air.

I shook  my head and headed for camp. With misty by side, I sat by Nina who was concentrated  on what Miss Brown as saying.

I look in the crowd for the twins but I didn't see them.

"Missing us suddenly" a familiar annoying voice said from behind me.
I turn to see Lucas smirking at me. "What's with that smell?"I said covering my nose.

"Well I was going to my tent when I saw someone steal from someone's tent so I followed the person and he threw it in the toilet  so I had to retrieve that item."he finished with an annoyed expression.

I couldn't hide my laughter,so I burst into small giggles. "You put your hand in the toilet"I said in between my laughter.

He frowned at me." You think it's funny"he said and laughed once more." Go and shower you stink I said covering my nose."

He did the unexpected he hugged me with his smelling body.

"Ewww get  of me!" I jumped away from him. He smirked at me and run for his life.

"Asshole"I mutter under my breath.

We ate our dinner by the fire side.
After dinner,we retired to our tents.

I heard a distant voice call to me in on my dream. It was very light and was melodious. "Come to me child and heed my advise very well,your journey is going to be tough and you my dear have many mysteries to unlock on your own but you are not what you think you are you are  more powerful than you think. Use you power wisely dear......


The voice faded leaving me in a confused state.

******end of chapter********
Hello again readers,sorry for the late update. Some of you were disturbing me for an update and here it is. The next chapters will be full of surprises and mysteries.

Seat back and enjoy. I don't know  where this story is going but we'll see where it will end.

****byee readers *******
See you soon and *****
**** I love you all*********

Ice Queen (Book One) Where stories live. Discover now