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To say I wasn't exhausted after all the walking we did I was very exhausted. Caelen said we should reach the resistance in two days time.

The resistance is a group of the remaining elemental clans who fight against Graymond to restore peace again. Unfortunately, they weren't usually successful, but they were able to restore the North a side which is the frozen zone.

Different elemental clans live there and have made a kingdom of their own and the ice clan as their rulers.

Lucian and Lucas were far behind as, the lazy old women they were. Ezra and Ezrat were in front of the twin brothers.

I walked hand in hand with Eyrx, something he does when he gets protective of me. I love my brother and my sisters even if they aren't my real siblings. I will do anything to protect them.

Caelen walked ahead of all of us him being the way. We walked in silence, our little minds thinking about our own petty thoughts.

Caelen came to a halt making us stop as well." Are you guys ready?"he asked each one of us.

"There's no turning back" he said and we nodded.'et aperta porta gelida zona'he said .

A gust of cold breeze blew over us pushing us backwards. Squinting my eyes I saw a frozen land ahead of us.

It was beautiful. It had snow coated trees scattered making it look ancient Japanese.

The place wasn't cold but for the rest it was quiet cold for them. Ezra had fire as her power so she touched each person warming them instantly.

"Is just me  because your  eyes have become more deeper than their usual colour." Lucian pointed out once he stood in front of me.

"Yes because she is in a cold place so her powers have been activated." Caelen said coming behind a tree.

"I never knew" he replied and with that we continued walking.

"How far is this resistance?" Ezrat spoke for the first time since we had been walking.

"From  what I can say,we are a day away from the resistance. If we walk faster we would be able to reach there faster." Caelen said.

As he said this my siblings and I had given each other the look, knowing what we would be able to do.

"No need for that" Ezrat said. Caelen raised an eyebrow at us as well as Lucas and Lucian.

Misty(my pet), Blue(Ezrat's pet), Mellow (Eyrx's pet) and Claws(Ezra's pet) circled each other.

'Draco unda gelu draconem draconem transmutare tonitruum draconum' we all said together and our pets transformed.

Ezrat's blue snake transformed into a magnificent water dragon, Ezra's read parrot transformed into a fire dragon.

Eyrx's grey cat changed into a thunder dragon not before creating some electric sparks around him. Ezrat's dragon had water splashing on us. Ezra's dragon had flames surrounding it.

Misty in her glory transformed into her ice dragon. She let out a mighty roar spilling ice from her snout.

"Who wants a ride " I say patting misty.
My siblings had already mounted their dragons already. Lucian joined Ezrat while Lucas joined Eyrx.

Caelen chuckled to himself but not before,"she keeps on surprising me. "
He mounted misty with me.

He wrapped his hands securely around my waist and rested his chin on my head.

Finding this position intimate, I felt a blush creep slowly on my pale cheeks and am sure if I was facing him he would have seen the blush long ago.

I broke the awkwardness with a cough and signalling my siblings to take off before.

One by one, their dragons rise in the air.
I used my heel to tap Misty's side signalling her to follow them. She flapped her wings and rose in the air.

"Where are we going now?" I asked Caelen.

"We head for the North" was his curt reply. " You know you can send a mental image of the place to her mind and she will go there."I said rolling my eyes.

Sometimes he can be very lazy."Oh I didn't know" he said in a sarcastic tone .

I tickled a spot near Misty's ear making her shake violently and she nearly dropped Caelen.

I giggled uncontrollably. I didn't feel his presence behind me after sometime. The curious me wanted to find out what happened to me.

That was a bad choice because as I turned behind me, he pulled me from nowhere.

I thought I was falling but I was back on Misty's back with Caelen behind me again. He laughed at me and I swear it was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.

It was soft and his cheat vibrated as he laughed. I don't know why am having these kind of feelings towards him but I can't help it.

I snap out of my dirty thoughts before they go somewhere I didn't intend to go.

I turn my attention to Misty who had her head turned toward us with a smile on her face as if saying' am proud of you '

She turned her back looking forward.


We only stopped once and that was when my sisters and I wanted to relax our body before flying our dragons again.

We  ended up wasting four hours  chatting aimlessly. By the time we realised it was dark, we had to camp in the cold but frozen forest.

Ezra set a camp fire for us while the guys went out to hunt for food. Our dragons stayed in their dragons forms to protect us.

"Sis so when you get your throne back what do you intend to do" Ezra said behind me. Even though she isn't my sister, she still acknowledges me as one.

"I will give all of you the throne that is rightfully yours" I said determinedly.

"That's why we are with you Star, we would fight by your side even if it means taking our own life." Ezra said.

"You won't die, you will live once am alive no harm will come to you. You are my family and you mean a lot to mean." I said.

"You are my sisters no matter what" Ezrat said hugging both of us.

We heard the guys voices coming from the left side of where we were sitting.

"Luck was in our side ladies, we got quite a catch" Lucian said holding the dead gazelle by its horn like it weighed nothing.

"And how are we going to finish that" I asked.

"I suppose we give some to your pets" Lucas said pointing to the sleeping dragons.

In the end we ate a quarter of the meat and gave the rest to our babies who ate greedily.

I rested my head on Misty and allowed sleep to consume me.

********end of chapter******

That was short sorry, I wrote this while I was in a birthday party lyk ryt now.

Love you all and vote and comment.
Thank for the 100 reads guys I really appreciate it!

*********bye readers

**********see you soon and

*****I ***love you all❤❤❤❤

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