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I fluttered my eyes open to find myself in a plain land that stretched far ad wide. It was coated with snow and the fog was not helping sight. I felt cold and why am I wearing a gown. How did I get here? I thought. I remember I was sleeping in the palace. I Heard a faint music in a distance. It sounded familiar to that lady's music. "Hello, is anyone here?" I asked shivering. No one answered but the music got louder by the second. I heard a crunching sound coming to my left and it was growling very loudly and I knew I was in deep shit.

This is bad, very bad. It pounced on me and I dogged it. Looking at it I realized it was a manticore from those mythical creatures. I tried blasting it with my power but I realized I didn't have my powers, it was gone!. My pendant wasn't even here to help me. More creatures pounced on me. . When I thought It was over a stranger jumped from nowhere and blasted them from me. This one looked young and she held a harp that was charged with ice.

She had the purest white hair that was very long with deep blue eyes. " I never thought my sister would be soo weak." The strange lady snorted." Sister, when did I have a sister as long as I know there are all dead even my parents." I said feeling insulted.

"Whatever you say, and what are you doing here?" she asked rudely. "Look whatever you are, you claim to be my sister and you have this attitude. Let me tell you it stinks and I'll never want to be your sister." I fumed.

"Well, be careful because he's coming and take care of Eyrx." she said and everything became black. "Sister, wake up you are scaring me." a loud voice said. "Uh you are too loud can shut up you are too loud." I mumble in my pillow.

I was shocked by something by something which woke me up. "What is the meaning of this nonsense, Eyrx. " I threw the pillow in his face." You could have killed me!' I yelled. "You know why I did that. I came here to find my sister not breathing and your body was turning ice cold. How can I not worry about you? I'm going out." he said slamming the door.

Falling on my bed, I started crying. Why does my life have to be this way? It's not that I chose this life. Knowing my brother, he won't come to me for a day. He's always the one to hold grudges against me. I headed to the bathroom and did my usual ritual. After wearing my dress I walked to the fire clan to meet Ezra. I've missed her a lot. "Misty take me to fire clan."I asked the sleeping cat. "Look here young lady, am very tired but I'll do this for you this once."

She changed into a tiger. Hop on kiddo. I sat on her back and we sped to fire clan. The fire clan is indeed hot. I can't even stand the heat how are these people able to stand the heat. Misty complained to me. Yeah it's hot can't you make yourself cold. I rolled my eyes at her. You little brat I carried you here despite my tiredness and this is what I get in return. Geez, old lady get a grip. you are talking too much. I said to her.

What! you called me old lady... she didn't finish with her sentence when I smacked her head. I look up to see Ezra fighting a guy twice her size must be her instructor. I watched her fight with keen interest. Looks like my sister has gotten someone her level. I sat on the tree beside the training grounds while misty relaxed her head on my lap. I petted her back seeing it as the thing she loved best. The place was filled with young people training soo early in the morning. Why do they need to train so hard.

when Ezra was thrown to the wall, I heard few gasps. Getup Ezra and fight what are you doing. I thought. Won't you even help your sister? Misty asked sleepily. "No let me wait small." I said. Fire surrounded her but she wasn't doing anything. "Go and help her" Misty scolded me." No am not helping her." I turn my head away from the scene.

"Look, it's not her instructor. It's a bully." she chewed on my dress. I saw he guy burning her with fire and that was the last straw. I jumped from the tree to the ground. No one dares touch my family. I threw an ice dagger in his hand. He snapped his attention to me and smiled wickedly. " Who are you and what do you want here." he said coldly.

" I see that you are hurting my sister. Let me give you a word of caution, don't touch my sister in the future. Misty help her up. I'm going to teach this guy here a lesson." Misty blew the fire surrounding Ezra with her snout and carried Ezra on her back.

'glacies eum caligo et sentries dolorem' Ice mist surrounded him and squeezed him. Ice form on his skin and raised him in the air. It started freezing him from his legs and moved slowly to other parts of his body. "Now apologize to her now" I said to the suffering guy. "No I won't apologize to that thing." he said venomously. " You brought this on yourself." I said and squeezed my hand shut. His left leg froze into ice and started breaking into pieces.

"I'll apologize, please stop. It hurts." he said and I released him. "What's going on here?" Theo's said seriously behind us. "Hey nice to see you but i got business to take care off." i gestured for Misty to come closer. How will it be convenient if she is this small while she carries the two of us? i thought. Like she knew what i was thinking she turned into a horse.

I hopped on and held on to Ezra. Let's go girl. She galloped to the ice palace specifically my room. Well, my sister and i spent a lot of time having fun forgetting the thing that would bring us misery that same night.

"Sisters! Eyrx is missing. He has been kidnapped by two masked men!" Ezrat burst into my room crying." What! how come i saw him in the morning.." i said remembering the fight we had this morning and how he walked out of my room. "He is missing.. It's all my fault. We had a fight this morning and he walked out angrily." I sob in my palm.

"It's alright Eclipstar. we will find him for you." Ezrat soothed me. " He is my only brother if something happens to him it's my fault." i cried. " You said masked men." i asked and she nodded. Alex what do you want this time if something happens to my brother i swear I'll kill you.

"Where did you see them?" i asked. "I saw them in them in the forest near the waterfall." Ezrat said. "Then let's go there." i said with an unknown determination. I don't how fast I've ran in my life but probably today is the first day I've ran fast. We searched the whole forest for any clues but found known. Looks like they planned everything very well.

I saw a trail of dark magic in the water. It was shining. "Guys, look what i found" i alerted my sisters and they gasped when they saw it. Don't tell me it's...."Graymond" we all said aloud. Before our eyes, a ball of light burst in our eyes pushing as on the ground.

"Welcome or should i say good to see you. I have something precious you are looking for. Before that, i have to thank these two for making this successful." the masked man in the image said showing the faces of the two traitors, Lucas and Lucian.

"How could you two do this" Ezrat yelled at them and they kept quiet. " We have your brother Eclipstar. You come to the dark forest and your brother will be released safely and you come alone." He said and the light vanished. " I Have a bad feeling about this, we'll go with you." Ezra proposed but i kindly declined it. " This is my fight I'll do this on my own." I said. "For now tell the other clans about what happened today. I'll take care of the rest on my own."

*******end of chapter***********

This where the actual story begins so sit back relax and enjoy the drama that is going to be displayed before you. I was thinking of splitting the book into two. So actually this will be the first book. fellow rears don't kill me. Oh and merry Christmas to you all have fun and chill but don't freeze. > <

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