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You walked for about an hour, you know you were far away from home, but, you felt like someone, or 2 things were watching you, and the deeper and deeper you get into the woods, the stronger that feeling got.

Then, you were pushed to the ground, and Denki was on top of you. "Hey sexy thing, what are you doing walking alone at night, unmarked, and smelling so...Devine~?" He asked getting close to your ear, you pushed him away and got up "sorry I'm taken." "Oh? Then your boyfriend is a little bitch if he hasn't marked you already. Or he thinks you aren't good enough to be his mate."
Ow. That last thing he said hurt you. You looked down. "Maybe..." you said, but before you could say anything else, a flash went by you and Denki was on the floor, and he yelped out of fear. "who the hell said you could touch what belongs to me?" Bakugo growled out. You have never heard him so deep, and raspy, and so...protective. You fucking loved it.

"Oh? She's yours? Why having you marked her, huh?" "Maybe I wanna fucking make sure she's 100000 percent sure, and maybe I'm waiting to feel when her body is right?! Maybe I actually wanna make sure my mate lives to see our kids live unlike you who fucks, watches your mate die, abandons the kids, and then goes and fucks other women like their significant other didn't just pass away trying to give birth to the kids she thought the one she loved would care for! I will not become like you, I will not be a man whore, unlike you I love my mate dearly and I don't wanna see her pass away until I am dying beside her. I'm not fucking leaving her."

Your heart melted. All this time you just thought that you just weren't good enough.

But you are and Bakugo really cares, you've been blessed with him.

You have a feeling it will be soon.

Bakugo basically shooed Denki away and then you two walked home. You thought he would be angry, but he let you explain yourself, and he understood.

When you got home, he went to bed bc he was exhausted. Leading up to the blue moon is exhausting for werewolves.

While he slept you looked up what werewolf's do before they mate with a human.

They make their mates extremely comfortable. When werewolves feel that their human mate has proven themselves as worthy, they will start making them feel really relaxed, until the day they mate with them, so they are comfortable until the toughness of pregnancy comes.

And you were certain

That's exactly what Bakugo was doing

Word coun: 459

Thank you all for reading this.

I'm so so so sorry for the really slow updates

I really have no motivation to update, and life's been really really rough, like I said this is my senior year and I'm swamped. But I'm still trying.

Anyway, do I have any Melanie Martinez fans out there? K-12 has been released. How do you feel about it?

Honestly, I think it was too hyped up. The acting in the movie wasn't the best, and even the music video parts were...boring and really bad.

Moving onto the music itself, it's boring. All the songs sound the same and a lot of them don't have a catchy beat, I just believe crybaby was overall better. I love Melanie don't get me wrong, but I just am not a massive fan of this album. But if you have listened to k-12, or like Melanie, comment below what you think.

Anyway, thank you all for reading I hope you enjoyed. Comment below if you did or didn't

Thank you guys a lot, I love you all so much

I hope you all have an amazing day

Stay awesome and beautiful

Idk when I'll update again, but until then

Stay amazing and beautiful

I love y'all



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