Chapter 2

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I decided to take a day off.

Which is totally against the superhero handbook by the way (and yes, there is one) but I needed it. Afterall, it's not like anybody needed me.

I had woken up in the morning with crusty eyes and a headache. First thing I did was pop two painkillers on an empty stomach. Usually, I start my column for the next week's paper but after passing out for the second time in a row in the same morning, I decided that fuck it. I'm allowed to take a day off.

Which still makes no sense as to why I'm with my mom at her erotica bookclub.

"I loved 50 Shades of Grey so much." Said one of my mom's 'friends'. I've been sitting here for only half an hour and yet I have never been so ready to run away from a bunch of women in my life as I was right now.

The same lady turned towards me.

"Hyde dear, do you prefer the spanking or the whipping? I personally like the whipping. Mhmmm," she actually fucking smacked her lips! My face flamed and I couldn't have controlled the disgusted face I made even if I wanted to.

My mother hit me lightly on the arm. "Be nice," she hissed. She waited as I tried to fix my face. Despite not having a mirror I knew my expression was set into a grimace. She rolled her eyes and tuned back into the conversation. That other lady was already in a deep conversation about the importance of sex toys and bondage before I tuned back out.

I looked out the window at the setting sun and thought about the melancholy feeling inside me. I usually ignore the remarks and words but nobody's ever told me to... die before and I don't know, I think it's hit a nerve that I didn't even know was there before.

I felt my eyes burn but willed the tears away. No way in hell was I crying in a room filled with horny old woman.

"Hyde, dear. Where's your girlfriend?" I turned back around to the same lady.

"Hmmm?" I hummed.

"Where's your girlfriend? A handsome boy like yourself shouldn't be alone," she continued. I felt myself blush at the compliment.

"I, uh, don't have one." I smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, why not?" She queried.

There were a lot of ways to answer that question.

"Oh um, well, actually I'm gay." I said in the hopes that she would drop it and move on. Alas, that wasn't the case.

Was it just me or did her eyes just brighten?

"You're gay?" I nodded and I half expected a lecture on sin and hell and maybe my mom did too, because she suddenly got her game face on.

That's my mom.

"So what does taking it up the ass feel like? I wanna try the same thing with my husb —"

"You know what," I cut her off. I stood up as I pulled on my jacket. I was blushing a bright tomato red and my voice seemed to be several octaves higher than usual. I garbled out some high pitched lame excuse and dodged my mother and walked out the door. I walked down the sidewalk at a fast pace as I tried to control my embarrassment.

Sheesh. Old people.

Once I had calmed down and was a safe distance away did I stop walking. I breathed in slowly through my mouth in an effort to calm myself. That, and I was panting.

I deal with nature, I don't need to be fit.

It took me a few minutes later to come to the conclusion that I was indeed lost.

Regardless of the fact that I've been living here my whole life, I have never seen it fit to actually explore the city. And now I was facing the consequences of my actions.

"Dammit," I muttered as I turned into another unfamiliar street for the third time.

I glanced at the forest beside the road I was currently walking down. Despite the danger of being kidnapped or murdered in a forest, it was also where my power was strongest.

Turning into it I felt the life of the forest sort of tickle my chest. I could feel the trees and the all the animals and if I got lost, the next best thing was just to enjoy the life.

I walked on, getting lost in the peace. With my mind now cleared I could clearly recall that lady's inappropriate question and my embarrassing departure. Although, given the same situation twice I would've still decided to flee.

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt as the trees in front of me started getting sparser. That was normal as there were some clearings in a forest. What was abnorml though was the lack of life that I felt coming from beyond the trees in front of me. I could usually sense animals and plant life, and that was all the time because there was always one or the other around everywhere.

I reached the edge and felt an... ominous feeling is the only way I could describe it. The hair on the back of my neck was standing on end and I had a sick feeling in my stomach.

Something's not right.

No shit Sherlock. It's normal to respond sarcastically to your own thoughts right?

I wandered farther in and spotted a dark house in the middle of the clearing. I walked towards it and noticed the dead flowers in the garden and the dilapidated state the house was in. I stepped up onto the porch and winced as a loud crreeeaak sounded beneath me.

I reached out a hand and turned the knob of the front door.

The inside looked fucking nothing like the inside of the house.

Inside was all modern glass and steel. The floor was black but it sparkled like it was routinely polished. The walls were covered in abstract paintings and portraits. I walked into what I assumed was the living room. There were leather L-shaped couches in front of a flat screen TV. Tasteful decorations laid across the room — like the potted plant in the corner or that weird pebble thing on the coffee table.

I walked further into the house and stepped into the kitchen. It too, was modern and classy. There was even a really fancy looking toaster, which by the way, what the fuck. It's a toaster. How fancy do you wanna make it!?

Midway through my rant I caught a weird symbol on the bottom. Picking it up I brought it closer to my face. There, inside what looked like circle was a 'G' and weird little wires around it.


I turned back around and —

There were dishes in the sink.

I felt myself freeze and my heart drop into my stomach. I walked over.

There wasn't any mold and there was a clean stack of dishes drying on the rack beside the sink. I touched the sponge. It was damp.

Fuck. I got to get out of here.

The feeling when I was entering the clearing was back. Stronger this time and I felt like doubling over and vomiting. Swallowing back the rising nausea I backed up whilst watching the sink.

Like the fucking idiot I am.

My back stopped at a wall. That breathed.

Aaannd, I'm fucked.

Large hands wrapped around my arms and my heart stuttered up into my throat. A dark chuckle sounded behind me and the fingers on my arms tightened. A deep, rich voice echoed around the room:

"Now, how did you end up here?"


Ooohhh, I am so fucking excited for this story!

I'm gonna have fun writing the next chapter 😉.

— Mads.

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