Chapter 7

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I couldn't even deny the immediate attraction I felt towards this man.

I was still on the ground but I was feeling a sickening mixture of fear and comfort. It was disturbing.

"Y-Youre the g-guy f-f-from —" I broke off, wincing as my body throbbed. I could barely get a word out without feeling like I was about to start crying. Although I knew that showing weakness in front of an enemy was suicide, I made no effort to hide my pain or the fear in my voice.

His red eyes narrowed and he frowned. The very tips of his teeth still poked out from under his top lip.

He reached forward and I flinched, automatically closing my eyes. A warm sensation traveled over the side of my face. I opened my eyes slowly. The man in front of me was glaring at the skin his fingers were caressing and I watched in trepidation as he revealed his teeth again.

He eyes suddenly snapped up to mine.

"I'm sorry I didn't get here in time," his voice was just as I remembered it. Smooth, rich, deep. Only now I added a new word to describe it:


I was a bit startled by his apology, and it seemed that he was a little as well. Startled I mean.

"You tried to kill me yesterday," I managed to croak out without stuttering. He ignored me and continued his soft tracing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it immensely. And because I was enjoying it I couldn't help but feel a little sick with myself. This guy tried to kill me. He probably did poison me!

"Are you h-here to fin-finish the j-job —?"

His eyes snapped up to mine and he growled out a vicious, "NO!"

I shrank back and his hand dropped from my face. His expression faltered and fell. He sighed out and ran a hand down his face before looking at me again.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Look, I need to get you cleaned up. My base isn't too far from here and —"

"Why should I trust you? I don't by the way, in case you hadn't noticed." I responded sassily.

His jaw ticked and I thought he was going to shout at me again. He didn't.

He pulled back and looked at me. Then he closed his eyes. I watched as his fangs disappeared completely into his mouth. All of his anger seemed to disperse as well.

When he opened his eyes to look back at me, his eyes were the same shocking bright blue of his hair. I gasped softly.

"Are your eyes glowing?" They were by far, my most favourite feature on him.

He ignored me and looked down at the black coat he was wearing. All of a sudden, black twisting shadows appeared from it. They slithered towards me and wrapped around my arms and legs. They were damp and cold.


That's it! I remembered my dream from this morning. It had felt wrong and that was because the shadows had been warm. But it wasn't warm. It was cold.

And strangely comforting.

They slithered up my arm to wrap around my neck and an intense feeling of pleasure zapped through my body.

Totally not the time.

I opened my eyes that I hadn't even known that I had closed, to catch the man in front of me staring deeply at me.

"W-What?" I blushed deeply and his eyes moved from mine to my cheeks. Instead of an insult or snicker that I usually got for it, a small smile touched his lips. It was oddly endearing.

Superheroes Are BoringOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora