Chapter 3

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Today's the day I die isn't it?

In total honesty, I'm not surprised. I hate fighting and I can't even fathom killing or hurting somebody — despite whoever they are and whatever they're done. One of my greatest weaknesses as Gadget and his posse like to remind me.

So when he asked, (although my assailant could've also just been a woman with a very deep voice), why I was here I kept my mouth shut in hopes of living longer.

It doesn't work like that.

The fingers on my arms tightened almost imperceptibly but it was still enough to make me yelp. The voice behind me turned into a growl.

"I said, why are you here? Who sent you!?"

Almost like a reflex, I called on the grass beneath our feet to surge upwards and wrap around his feet. They yanked and his arms fell away from me. Spinning around I darted around him and headed for the front door.

As you know, I'm not very fit. Hence, why I didn't get very far.

No, a hand did not suddenly grab my ankle and cause me to fall. No, the person behind me did not tackle me. And no, said person did not spring superpowers on me.

I literally tripped on my own feet being the total klutz that I am.

I went down hard and groaned. It took me only a second to get back up but by then there was already a dark silhouette in front of the door.

It was light in here though. No shadows anywhere — and yet this man was cloaked in them and —

Holy fuck he's actually creating shadows!

I watched in terror induced fascination as he created shadows from his fingertips. Shadows that twined almost sensually against him, making him look taller and broader and demonic.

"So, uh," whatever had possessed me to speak shit in a time like this was going to get me killed.

"Are, you like, I don't know, um, Vibrance's archenemy?" I stuttered out. The shadows around him stopped moving and I could only guess that he was considering my question. I mean, it makes sense. Vibrance has sort of the same powers. She uses the Sun's rays to fight villains and can harness its energy. I don't recall her having an archnemesis but it's never too late to get one.

I'd prefer not to though but that's just me.

A soft chuckle pulled me back to my main concern. The shadows moved again and I felt my throat close up when two blood red eyes appeared amidst the black.

"And who are you?" His voice was smooth and rich and deep. If we were two ordinary guys I wouldn't have minded listening to his voice forever. However, we aren't ordinary and he's probably going to kill me so what does it matter.

"You must be a newbie," I would've snorted if I could. I've been in this game for seven years.

"But probably not." He stalked towards me. I willed my feet to move, for my body to run far, far away from the creature before me.

Only to realize that I couldn't actually move.

The figure stopped in front of me and I squeezed my eyes shut, grateful that I at least had control over that. I felt warm breath on my face and that calmed me down a little. At least he wasn't a phantom right?

"Oh, little super. You guys always believe you can change the world and make a difference." I wanted to shout, to scream that I know. I know. But I could never speak up for myself and I would die the same way.

I tried summoning the nature around me but a hand around my waist startled me and cut off my concentration as my eyes flew open. I found myself staring into eyes so red they looked black. I could barely make out his irises and I could only assume they turned darker between the first time I saw his red eyes to now.

Then something weird happened.

For a second, just one second, I could've sworn I saw his eyes change to blue. It was an intense second. One in which I found myself absolutely captivated by the person in front of me.

Then the moment was over.

Almost too quick I could've missed it, a tendril reached out from him and curled around my neck. It was damp and cold and felt heavy. I don't think Vibrance's rays even felt this tangible. Instead of squeezing my neck or doing anything fatal it just rested against my skin. Nothing happened.

"The fuck," the villain in front of me muttered. If he weren't so close I doubt I would've heard him. I was also wondering the same thing though. Wasn't he going to kill me?

A few uncomfortable minutes passed before a loud snarl ripped out of his chest. I felt all of my earlier terror return with a vengeance as I started sweating profusely.

He stepped away from me and turned his back on me. His arms came up to his head and I noticed for the first time how the shadows seemed to form a cloak around him. He whipped back around though and this time his eyes were narrowed.

He stomped towards me and curled one large hand around my neck.

Things hit an absurd factor of 105 after that.

Immediately after his hand made contact with my skin I felt mass amounts of energy course through me. I gasped and stepped back, my assailant following me.

His hand was unnaturally warm against my skin and when I closed my eyes I was assaulted with words and sounds and smells and there were people and they weren't leaving me alone and there was alot of pain and anger and loneliness and love and I felt myself hatehatehate because they were hurting him —

The hand at my throat was wrenched away and I stumbled back. The images and sounds stopped abruptly. I felt disorientated for all of two seconds. Then I caught up.

I turned towards the front door, ran forward, yanked it open and made a mad dash for open air.

I hit the ground at a sprint and weaved my way through the forest. I pulled every dead plant up from the ground and through them behind me. I commanded a few forest snakes to slither behind me and I ran on.

The trees started getting sparser and I saw light up ahead. It was getting warmer too but I concluded that it was just my increasing body temperature.

I burst through the trees and came to a quick stop. The very same house I was running away from was in front of me.

On fire.

I took a step back; prepared to run again in a different direction. My back stopped at the body behind me. I swallowed thickly and turned my head. Something tall and very much alive was behind me.

Large hands dropped onto my shoulders. Then one quickly wrapped around my arms and the other injected something into my neck. I cried out at the sting and recalled all the stories Gadget tells people about the Villain's torture devices. Devil's poison being one of the worst ones.

Oh no! What if it's... What if it's... It's...

I started getting woozy and felt myself sway. Arms hoisted around me and up my back, picking me up. My head lolled onto the villains shoulder as I was confronted with the intense desire to sleep.

So I did.


I'm excited for their first actual conversation. Next chapter is gonna kill me I swear.

— Mads.

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