Chapter 5

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I woke up from a nightmare. Sporting an erection.

I haven't had a sexy dream since I was fifteen and what makes this even weirder, was the fact that I felt scared in this dream. It was the strangest thing ever.

I was trapped in this house with a demon. I don't really remember much of what happened other than I feeling paralyzed with fear. Next thing I know, the dream has changed to me feeling aroused. I have the vaguest idea that something damp, but warm was touching me. I feel like that's not right though. Like something about that feeling was off.

I sat up and leaned against my headboard. I breathed through my nose and picked up my phone on my bedside table. I planned on googling disgusting pimple popping to bring my erection back to 0.

I didn't need to as it turns out. The moment I moved my neck to the side to crack it, a burning pain shot up from the side. It felt like a muscle spasm, only more painful to the extent that it travelled straight down to my toes. That made me limp in a matter of seconds.

I gasped and took in ragged breaths. I held my position for a couple of minutes until the pain ebbed away and only a dull throb remained. I experimentally started slowly tilting and moving my head. The harsh pain didn't come back and I got out of bed. I walked into my bathroom and pulled back the collar of my pajama shirt.

I freaked out at what I saw.

"HOLY FUCK —!" I stumbled back and tripped over the bath and fell in. I moved my palm up till it covered the slightly raised skin on my neck. I got out of the bath and more prepared this time, lowered my collar again.

Yep. Still there.

Just above the place where my neck and shoulder met was what looked like a tattoo. That isn't what freaked me out though, no. What freaked me out was that it was of a black creature with what looked like a hood and long claws. Furthermore, there were tiny little veiny red lines along the inside of it. Leaning closer towards the mirror, I studied the red veins and caught them pulsing.

At the same time I noticed this, I could've sworn I saw the hood move as if the head of the figure had turned to look at me through the mirror.

Nope. I'm imagining things.

I pulled up my collar so that it hid the small 5cm tat.

Except it's not a tat.

I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts and walked back into my room.

I picked up my phone and saw five missed calls from my mum.

I dialed her number and she picked up on the first ring.

"Hyde! I'm so sorry about yesterday, but are you alright? Did you get home safely? Was that man nice? Don't forget to thank him —"

"Whoa, wait mom. Slow down," I said in surprise. I tried to remember what happened yesterday. I remember taking the day off.

Or was that the other day?

Feeling even more confused I shook my head.

"I'm sorry about my one friend from the bookclub. She's very sorry by the way —" ah, I remember that. And leaving afterwards. What happened after that though?

"— and she wants to make it up to you but anyway, you stalked off somewhere and I didn't know where you were. But this really nice man called me from your phone and said you went to a bar and passed out —"

"What! Wait, wait, wait." I cut her off. I was starting to panic but I think I had good reason to.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"Hyde... Is everything alright?"

"Mom," I said through gritted teeth. "What happened?"

A niggling feeling crept up on me. Comfort... It felt like comfort? A dream-like image of a guy with neon blue eyes and something... soft, and dark. And... And... And I don't know!

"This guy phoned me from your phone. He said you were at a bar and that you drank too much and passed out," she continued.

I suddenly recalled walking in a forest, no, getting lost in a forest. And a house. An unkept house that wasn't that unkept. And I remember a sink and —

And a guy.

Vivid images attacked me in a whirlwind. Me, frozen and unable to move. That demon in front of me. Those shadows and those red eyes. He tried to kill me and I ran away but I came back and he injected me —

"He said he was a friend of yours and that he already called an Uber to take you home. Then he gave the phone to the driver so that I could tell him your address —" I cut her off yet again.

"Wait," I clutched the phone with both hands and felt a panic attack creeping up on me. My breathing was coming out fast and my eyesight was getting blurry.

"Did he get in with me or what!? Did he come home with me?" I asked.

"Get in what?" She asked.

"Get in the Uber mom!" I growled out with a ferociousness that I didn't know I possessed. Her reply was stuttered.

"W-well, I uh, don't know but — don't you dare shout at me Hyde! You have no right and lashing out at me isn't going to solve your problems! When you..." I didn't hear her last words because by then I had already zoned out. I hung up the call and moved back until my back hit the wall. I slowly slid down and reached up a hand to the mark on my neck which was stinging like a bitch.

Almost immediately it stopped and an almost soothing effect took place. I felt comforted —

I stopped.

I thought of the injection and how that must've been a supervillain. Whilst one part of me was ecstatic at having fought my first supervillain, the rest was concentrated on every story, documentary and fact about villain's torture devices. I remembered Gadget talking to Cleopatra about Devil's Poison...

I have to go back.

I stood up from my floor and suddenly felt very drained. I was tired and not even physically. Emotionally, mentally, whatever else -ally.

I headed into my bathroom for a shower. I would go villain hunting afterwards.

And guess what? I took another day off.


Hmmm, what to put in the next chapter.... 😜

This chapter is short. Agh, shempies 😁.

— Mads.

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